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Well that is partially easy to remedy, Twine stories are simply HTML files. I've uploaded a zip including the game that you can download. Once unzipped, simply open index.html in your browser. You may find that images don't load due to the browser security settings pertaining to local files: You can change the settings or host a local server to make them show up, although the former is not recommended while connected to the internet.  They aren't particularly important, and you can view them all in the folders, so I wouldn't worry too much about them.

There is one hosted on the game page now, but I tested it with my VPN and there are also problems there. As such, I've also put one up on Google Drive here:

Hopefully one of those options will work~

Thank you very much for going out of your way to provide an alternative to download the game.

As a huge fan of DID1, I am excited to see a new generation of games growing around the same concept (Hostage Hotel, Natamins Big Adventure, Bonds, etc.), yours included of course, and I can't wait to play it later today.

Again, please let me wish you best luck with your game and a nice day ^.^