I really enjoyed this, though I couldn't get very far into it. I got super lost in the little houses and couldn't really tell what was killing me. Despite a lack of clear conveyance for some of the mechanics, the procedural generation of the environments was incredibly impressive, and the artistic direction was extremely unique. The sound design was very nice as well. All in all, the presentation of this game is very unique and stylized and it has a lot of potential. While the conveyance isn't great (it's hard to tell what to do or where to go. Sometimes it's so dark that it's difficult to tell where you are or what is going on) it's still an extremely unique game with a lot of replayability. I'll be taking more cracks at it in the future, for sure, since I like games with good replayability. Very well done, especially for such a small team (of two!). Definitely one of my favorite jam games so far.