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A member registered Mar 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Hi Developers!

As a means to fund my gamedev career I started to offering Easy Wireframe Shader Unity URP, which could help other game devs as well (those are the result of technical topics I'm studying at the moment).

Here is what it looks like:

This shader is Universal Render Pipeline compatible and works on windows / direct x (I haven't found a way to go around geometry stage yet).

Please let me know what you think of it, as I'm trying to find what I'll release on its next update.

I hope it can help you succeed on your next game! =^-^=

Happy coding!

Link: Easy Wireframe Shader Unity URP by Hangarter

I'm glad we managed to fix the problem! Please, don't hesitate in contacting me again if you have any issues again.

On another note: whenever you have a minute, could you please leave a review here in the product page in a new topic? That would really help!

Good luck with your game!

(2 edits)

There is a selection of types of projects and sometimes people start a new one with the built in pipeline. 

A really quick test you could do is to create a blank URP project and import the package. 

I hope that helped. If you still have any issues just leave me a comment here that I answer as soon as I can 😀

This is the official documentation, that explains how to install it both in a project created from scratch and converting a built-in project:

It's  complaining about CGPROGRAM in the errors and also it cannot find some URP files. 

Maybe you don't have URP installed? That means you have to make sure you have the Universal Render Pipeline package in your project.

  • Go the the package manager
  • From the drop down, choose "Unity Registry"
  • On the search bar, type in Universal Render Pipeline
  • Install the package selecting it and clicking install

You might need to restart unity. Please let me know how it goes!

Hi! Could you please describe what errors you had?

That would help me to solve the importing problem! 

You could give me a screen shot as well then I can look into it. 

Thank you for making this available for free! It helped me a lot on my latest game jam!

I noticed that this version is not compatible with RenderGraphAPI on Unity 6 and you have made it available on the unity asset store.

Does the version on asset store works out of the box without much configuration like this one?

wow 5 levels in you got into a two floors building! :D

I'm glad you like the shadows! When designing it, one of the question I was trying to answer was "how can it be scary but still look human?"

This feedback is nice as well, as little by little I'm getting a good picture of what was exciting vs what was a nuisance ^^

Thank you very much!

Nice take on flipping the script and playing as a ghost!

Kinda fun to scare those ghost hunters away throwing stuff ^^

Good luck with your game!

Wow, just wow! This was by far the most immersive experience in this jam. 

Very impressed with an underwater experience, you go all the way expecting a jump scare, there are some along the way, then the underwater environment really does make you drift and go with it.

Congrats on such great atmosphere! 

Really nice atmosphere you got here! You're right, the procedural generation was pretty similar to the one in our game haha ^^^

I like the simplicity of the creepy dude, personally I find shadows much scarier than monsters. The maze is quite big, not sure how you did to optimize the framerate, I had problems with that at some point :D

Managed to find the badge and the elevator! Can't help but try to guess which tech and algorithm you used as it was a similar idea!

Great job!

Yes, we're only 2 :) 

A sound designer and me with programming and art haha When I was designing the levels I thought it would be nicer to go for something that actually resembled a flat than the traditional maze algorithms ^^

The level without exit is a surprise! Would be interested in knowing how did that happen 

Hey man it's absolutely not your fault anything that happened ^^

This game is the culmination of a period that I took for myself to study game design and try to apply it.

Many things were new, like making sure game feel was in place and all the art was presentable. Other people also had issues with the flashing lights and it's one of my big learnings of this jam to take it easy on flashing lights (a youtube even recommended to place a warning for flashing lights, that I added later).

The mouse sensitivity was really lack of programming knowledge :/ The way I knew how to do it, it wasn't picking up the mouse sensitivity of the system so I thought it could be a problem, so it's noted for next time. I hope you could at least enjoy the parts you could play!

We got really excited about this game (me and my teammate) and are even thinking about taking all the feedback from the jam and try to make this a commercial product :D

Thank you so much for your honest feedback, and if there's something that you would like to have seen or was missing, please let us know!

It's jibberish language!  When I was discussing about this with my team mate, we tried to go for something like the sims do: it sounds like they're talking but it's just random noises! 

That was really creative! Never seen a game you have to type to attack before haha

Like the chiptune vibes as well!

Weel done!

Oh man that was great! I had a good laugh exploring all ways to give hot cocoa to the creepy dude :D

Short little experience, not sure what I could even suggest improving here, it was great fun!

Bro this was like being inside of a B movie :D

Really great! The screen filter and shaders really steal the show here. 

That boss battle in the end, all jam restrictions considered, really well done: it gives you the tension and time to react. 

Perhaps the only thing missing was some visual aid to indicate where to use each item. You could kind of guess but maybe for someone who hasn't played many games wouldn't be that obvious.


The microgame to identify corrosion is a very nice mechanic. Reminds me of alien isolation!

The graphics are also well put together, and the visual aid to remind the player of the controls are very handy.

This game has very nice visuals, well done!

One of the things I think it stands out is how you can interact with a lot of things inside the house, makes for something immersive!

The light switches were a bit difficult to spot sometimes, but one the lights were on visibility was good.

Good graphics, atmosphere as well!

The main menu and how the more realistic vs abstract visuals are a nice touch!

Camera game me motion sickness so maybe the walking wiggle could have been a little more gentle ^^

The light mechanic was interesting on this one. I like how you had to continually make sure you could still see!

One bug made my walk speed really slow around level 4 so I couldn't continue, but I managed to walk around the mazes and place the tags. I found the tag use quite unique as I haven't seen that before!

Congrats for the creativity! Always fun to hop around as a little blob haha

The pastel colors were a bit harsh on the eyes, but that was the only thing, it makes for a fun game :)

I like the music choice and how the platformer was well put together.

It was nice that the environment changed as you went down, that helps with a good sense of progression!

The mouse click to jump mechanic felt a little unusual, perhaps  a visual aid that's more clear would have helped to know the direction and height of the jump! (I'm thinking about that angry birds strength of the elastic bar kinda thing)

Well done!

Glad you enjoyed it! I'll definitely next time try to integrate better the instructions in the game!

(1 edit)

This was incredibly fun! It reminds me of those "impossible games" asmongold plays on his channel

What I liked it about this is that even with some platforms being really narrow, the collider gave you a margin of error just enough to not go mad :D

Wacky music and sound effects gave it a very nice touch too!

And the light, it's the first time that I see light used to give you the sense that time was running out, really creative!

Oh my goodness how did you guys manage to put a game inside a game, that was incredible!

The main mechanic is really solid, had fun playing it and was very surprised!

The one thing that got in the way was how fast I died haha ^^ But everything was simple to follow, I wish the player had more time to prepare themselves!

But omg, the graphics, the mechanics put all together, well done!

I'm glad you enjoyed the experience! :D

Thank you for the kind words!

let's change reviews!

here is my game:

let's change rates;)

I'll give your game a try!

This is mine if you have a minute to have a look ^^

Which version should I test for the jam? ^^

Got ending 2, yay! 

Congrats for the game! Only thing that was a little wonky was how narrow the platforms were inside the simulation, perhaps if they were a little wider, I wouldn't have fell a thousand times lol

Good luck on the jam!

Mixed feelings about this game. The visuals are incredibly good, and the idea really original. The puzzles and how to progress are quite tough.

The search felt very innovative and restrictive at the same time. On one hand you have freedom to type anything, but if you don't get the clues quick enough you get stuck quite quickly as well.

Overall, very creative concept!

Man, what a treat! Love the character art on this. You can see that the girls have different personalities just looking at them! 

The cutscenes with close-ups and character art were also pretty impressive. Not sure how you guys managed to cramp up so much story in one week, well done!

I hate that creepy frog haha ^^

Like the puzzles and the computer setup, it really felt like an old OS!

Well done!

Incredibly fun core game loop here! It does take a while to understand the game and attack vs keep deck alive mechanics, but once you do, it turns into an interesting gameplay that you have to think quite a bit. It's a challenging game!

I feel like everything you have in your game I could have blended into mine, as it also have cards haha

Really nice job!

In terms of improvements, I think that during the game play it took me a while to understand what each card did, so visual tips on mouse over would be nice. I found it clever that the "attack" is the total of points, it's almost like you mixed blackjack and tarot here!

Congrats on your game!