Hi, I would really appreciate assistance with one last thing.
What I intend to do is set up a token system where, if a player has read through a certain piece of dialogue or said yes to something, a token is set to "true". In other parts of the game, if the token is detected to be "true", a new button will appear. This is so that the player has to unlock the next chapter before reading it, or to add a new item to the character's inventory.
I've managed to do this before in the Quest game engine. Here is a photo of the script I used to do this.
Here is a copy of the script from the Quest game engine:
if (HasSeenPage(Chapter1Page1)) {
AddPageLink (Chapter select page, Chapter2, "Chapter 2")
I have tried to do this with variables in Tuesday. Here is a screenshot of the variable I tried to do this with.
^ In the block, where the token will be set to true once the scene has been seen
^ In the menu where variables are made
Would this be a functional translation to code for Tuesday?:
if (HasSeenBlock(Block1Scene1Dialog1)) {
Add.button{border-radius:8px;backdrop-filter: blur(12px);text-align:center;} (MainMenu, Block2, "Chapter 2")
Lastly, do I need to make any additional variables, to account for if the token is set to "false"?