I think MisterFawkes is honestly kinda right. I like this project and I also think he does too. Why would he waste time leaving a comment like this if he didn’t care about the project? Hell, why would he give money to it? I’m doubtful most you guys bashing him gave money…
Onto the actual points though, I don’t care too much about the UI change, but I agree that absolutely no testing was done on it, that much is clear from how content is being locked away due to the option boxes going off the screen, character pictures overlapping with the dialogue boxes meaning you can’t read names in Act 3, etc. While I don’t think the UI took only two days to make, I do think it should take less time than that to fix. If this was a free project and it wasn’t taking any money from anyone then sure, depression sucks, that’s understandable. But Arc is being PAID for this, as such there’s an expectation of results. You can’t promise a product and be paid to complete it, only to take constant breaks every other week. That’s just not how the real world works.
Go ahead, everyone. Downvote me like you did to MisterFawkes, but it doesn’t change the reality of the situation. If Arc wants a break, fine, but he needs to temporarily shut down his Patreon and such, because as it stands, it’s morally wrong and quite possibly illegal, depending on location. If this project is gonna be cancelled, that sucks and i’ll be very upset cuz I love this, it was my first game of this “genre”, but I feel worse for the people who donated to the Patreon for ages, giving away lots of money only for nothing to come of it.