Envy eh, I LOVE that feeling (not really actually)
For me I got three ways. 1. Try to be better then your previous self. 2. Make them your friend or at the very least show them appreciation for a job well done, and 3. Make them a ugly as #### monster or something (if 2 and 1 fail)
Last time this happened was with me and the TouHou fan Jam 4 (I was in 41 place -_-) (also in case your wondering the game is called "Celestial")
And I will admit I felt 'frustrated' due to my game being 2 and a half stars 0_0
However, I decided to post a little note showing my appreciation to everyone who joined the jam and hoped for some constructive criticism (which i never got)
If i could shorten this into one sentence it would be "Don't act like a total ####" (also now that i think about it, that post i made probably came out like i was crying XD)