The font is wild here on the page! Love it! Although... I'm bad at reading such fonts, and had a little problem with it, so just a heads up! And by making it bold or all CAPS - I'm positive it's slightly more readable (at least for me).
So, about the game - first impressions:
-No options menu, kinda meh (would appreciate it).
-Voice acting, is a nice touch, and it surely gives off a good impression, BUT it's, in my opinion, a little ruined by the lonely image at the start! (more about it below)
-Then bam, we get into the game - "WOAH, I LOVE THE LOOKS!!" First impressions while in-game were fantastic, the style is good and unique, or at least uncommon. Also the slight indications about the times when the story takes place, is great, and not presenting the exact date on a silver platter (be it intentional, or not).
Overall, the game, albeit short, with not much story, looks promising! I made it through 3 endings (SPOILERS: medicine ending, unlocked the door, leaving through the entrance) and I must say that it was a unique and nice experience for me. Thank You for sharing Your work and I wish You all the best!
Bugs, suggestions and things I noticed:
-Consider adding a options menu with: mouse sensitivity, sound, music, voice controls which would be great. And maybe for example: resolution change, which screen should the game use, windowed or full screen, etc.
-Image with voice act after start is too lonely, would love to see subtitles here, and maybe some more pictures? Also the image of a latter is sadly in too small resolution.
-Interactions red font is anti-climatic in my opinion.
-Also, in-game subtitles whenever someone speaks, would be a nice touch too, I think.
-While going back to the main menu, after which starting the game anew, results in the medicine spawning twice.
-Items disappear if taken one after another, and the game requires restart.
-Few typos in the letters here and there.
-Books and boxes in the basement are rotating vertically and horizontally.