Learned about this tool a while ago, and have been itching to use it for a long time. Just released a tiny thing using it. Had a lovely time c:
FYI, I ran into an issue where text was rendering weird on Firefox -- sometimes totally unreadable. I narrowed it down to the bottom of drawText(). Something about the combo of "globalAlpha = 0.8" and "filter = 'url(#remove-alpha)'" was causing it. I basically just did this to get around it:
if (navigator.userAgent.search("Firefox")) { console.log("firefox detected, failsafe to make sure text is readable"); ctx1.globalAlpha = 1.0; } else { ctx1.globalAlpha = 0.8; }
Everything else is the same. No clue how robust this is, but hey it works fine enough for my purposes. It does make some letters weirdly bolded, but it's better than the alternative.