Really cool vibes and atmosphere. The swapping controls somehow works quite well, it gives it the old clunky horror feel. I love the creature design and the initial cutscene, but it does lack a bit in how threatening it really feels, but I really like the creature's animation response to being shot. The present audio sounds good, but a little bit more would go a long way. I also think it'd be quite cool to incorporate some kind of gravity & ragdoll to the creature. I'd love to watch them fall off from the top 30 containers.
As someone else mentioned, the menu doesn't seem to work forcing a restart. I managed to make it to the tunnel on my second try but didn't respond quickly enough, that part felt quite punishing without the checkpoint working. Perhaps you could consider a letterbox effect over the cutscenes or some kind of indicator to let the player be certain they do or do not have control.
Quite enjoyable overall but a little frustrating in some aspects. Nice work!