I didn't see the escape pod the first few times and was just walking around picking up stuff and wondering why it kept resetting and then I read the description (I hadn't because I didn't want spoilers) and realised what I missing and kept an eye out for it.
On the planet itself three of my four stats zeroed with no consequences and it was only when the last one hit zero that I died. Sometimes, also, the text said I got a stat gain but it didn't reflect in the stat bar.
I'd like a little more narrative info as to how to raise sanity because it seemed the most arbitrary of trying to manage the four stats.
The "eat", "drink", "heal" options aren't particularly noticeable, especially because you can't put this game into full screen (that's a setting you need to change via the page "Edit" option on itch, which is accessible via your Dashboard) so the itch links on the top right of the page are partially obscuring the game area.
Having said all of that, narratively I really liked this.