Some kind of sound would have been really nice. Even just a basic droning ambient sound on loop would have added a lot to the horror/atmosphere, I feel.
The controls were a bit annoying but I see the retro style you were going for so it wasn't bad. Although, I'm not sure how I feel about enter to interact, I think that could have been a more standard button. Also, an increase in turning speed would have been nice, I found myself walking into walls a lot while I'm trying to turn around, lol.
I kept accidentally walking past where I was meant to go, I don't think you needed so much environment if it wasn't going to be used, mildly confusing outside of an open-world game to have free space to go to (imh).
Story was simple but had a nice eerie feel to it given the environment. Speaking of which, the environment and art as well were nicely done. The emptiness and cleanness of the rooms gave me a very eerie feeling. The boarded windows and fact that I haven't seen my buddy for so long (while living so close) and that I look like some weird flesh monster made me wander what fever dream this was set in; well done.
Neat submission.