Hey, I'm happy you liked the second phases for the bosses.
Thanks for the kind words and thanks for playing.
The art is fantastic. The SFX are well done. The dynamic music is very good. I'm so happy you had settings too, I needed to lower the sensitivity a lot and rebind the restart key from the typical FPS reload key.
Movement felt nice, I would have maybe liked a dash or something (not sure if I missed that), but lots of boss attacks were a bit awkward to dodge reliably.
The variety of settings was very cool and the opening cutscene was a nice addition. The first setting was rather creepy, but the red lighting obscured the red light from my spin buff, so I didn't fully understand if I was spinning correctly until the second area where I could see the red light. Also, the total pitch-black dark patches in the first area made it very disorienting to spin in.
The boss designs were cool and the zombie horde was neat, giving me something to shoot at. The second level's boxes were a nice addition; destructible props are always... a blast.
Very, very cool submission. One of the most fun I've played so far.
First off, bloody fantastic music. Nice amount of SFX too, and I really liked the voice overs for the little characters. The VFX when minions attacked were nicely done and communicated well what was happening. Thank god for the guide on your game page or I wouldn't have known what was going on at all. Also, it may have just been me, but I took an awkward amount of time before realizing what I needed to press to spin the wheel; I tried to drag pulling it down instead, as well as clicking on other things.
Very interesting idea for a game mechanic; fits the theme very well and was executed nicely too. Cool submission.
Nice variety of bosses, both visually and mechanically. The bullet hell on the first boss became a bit intense after I had lived for a while, since the missiles were moving slowly, I had almost no space on screen and just started tanking hits while desperately trying to finish off the boss. It was still a fun fight, though.
The characters look nice, the backgrounds cool, and the color palette was nice. There were SFX for everything I'd expect, which is nice. Finally, the music was quite good.
Cool game.
Very nice looking game. The overall feel was more than just generically "retro" it made me feel like I was actually playing on an arcade machine. The uniqueness to the bosses was quite cool and the theme interpretation was very interesting. I was a bit confused with the twins, I felt like I was doing barely any damage; still fun though. The gunslinger fight was definitely my favorite. The music and SFX were rather nice too.
Cool game.
The initial level's background looked rather blurry, but once I was in the boss fights, with the much nicer backgrounds, the overall visual aesthetics looked quite nice. I can see why you'd recommend controller, but I didn't mind the controls on keyboard. The music was nice and there were a decent amount of SFX. There were a fair few unique boss attacks, which is always nice. The mechanic is also interesting, having to dash towards danger to deal damage.
Nice submission.
Love the visuals. The characters look fun and unique. I also like their names; reminds me of Dark Souls. The SFX were a tad loud. The music was nice, had a game show rapid-thinking vibe. The UI felt a bit cluttered at first but I got used to it eventually; cluttered or not, the individual elements on the UI looked nice: buttons, tarot cards, sliders, etc. An ingame tutorial on the gameplay or perhaps just more feedback on the results of what I was doing would have been nice; I did eventually get more comfortable with it, but initially things felt rather bland due to lack of understanding. Also, your use of the theme was neat.
Overall, a cool game.
Art the is fantastic. The SFX are nicely implemented. The music sounds great.
I would have liked setting for mouse sensitivity as mine felt a lot slower than I'm used to. But reglardess, the controls were quite well made. Double jump felt cool. The digging mechanic was very cool. Being able to crouch drop/dash downwards into a drill is very cool.
The voice acting is a nice polished addition. Not often you see a bunch of voice acting for a game jam submission.
Cool submission.
Cool art. The boss attacks were nicely done; with the telegraphing and drop shadows as aids for the player but also the screen shake and dizzy animation for the general feel of the attack.
More SFX would have been nice, but even in there stead a little bit of music or just plain ambiance, I feel, would add a lot to the environment.
The opening menu was cool with the options too.
Very cool game. I'd highly recommend screenshots and some cover art. I feel a lot of people will dismiss trying the game without them.
The spinning was maybe a bit too fast; I felt a tad nervous doing it. That being said, after a bit of trial and error it felt very cool to dodge rockets left and right. My initial experience was me stepping in a direction at the start and rapidly spinning before accidentally shooting what I later realized was the start target.
The visuals are top-notch for this PS1 style and the SFX were nicely done; 'cept for the revolver which sounded a bit weird. Speaking of the revolver. I don't know why I'd ever switch to it. It seemed inferior to the rifle.
Cool game. I originally downloaded it as a bit of a meme assuming the lack of screenshots and cover art meant it wasn't going to be very good. I was very wrong.
Shooting the axe out and rotating it around to level a forest was a fun use of the theme, lol. The controls were ok, but it always feels a bit weird to me to use the arrow keys; that being said I did get used to it fairly quickly.
The art was well made, the animations were nice and the boss's attacks were cool; although I would have liked more SFX for everything.
Neat game.
Nice variety in heroes. I've found multiplayer rather tough to implement so kudos to you for making it work in a jam no less. I played mage, my friend barbarian. I found mage rather fun but he kept complaining about input issues on barbarian. The bosses were a bit bland, just having more and more HP and some music would have been nice. The visuals were nicely put together, the map felt coherent and the arrows were gave a nice sense of direction. The multiplayer aspects of the game also worked well, no issues.
Neat submission.
Very nice art. Both the 3D visuals and the 2D cutscenes. The slug character is very funny looking, lol; I think I might have nightmares.
The music is good and the SFX are nicely implemented. Death is a bit confusing. You can keep playing and the screen takes forever to fade out while you do.
The rolling around mechanic is neat and sticking to the walls and ceiling is a very cool mechanic, I've not seen before.
The boss attacks are nicely varied and the lock on system greatly needed. particularly, for the first boss when he went underground.
Nice submission.
Initially, I was very confused but after dying once to the jester, I got a much better understanding of the game.
Your use of the theme was very well done. At first, I just thought it cool but during the second boss fight,t I was able to strafe around enemies in a way that I could spam my cards a lot more than I otherwise could; this took the mechanic up a notch for me, in terms of fun.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to beat the second boss. I figured the yellow cylinder was a shield and I tried attacking knights without their shields on but those knights would never die and the boss's shield would never disappear.
The art was well made. The animations for some of the attacks were very cool; the jester's jump is probably my favorite.
I wish there was more in the way of SFX. The weight of casting a spell or having to dodge a laser beam would be much more potent with SFX. Although, at least having music does greatly make up for what would otherwise be a silent game.
The whole card system between bosses is very cool and I like how you hide some of the cards early on. It gives the player something to look forward too while also avoiding overwhelming them.
A well-made game.
Jeff Jr.'s blood attacks were a bit hard to react to sometimes with them coming out of a pool of his own blood. Jeff Sr.'s teleport move was rather janky feeling as it was hard to avoid (maybe if it were telegraphed more and if the dash took you further?).
The visuals were cool, also the square plane field was a bit boring; even if it were just a circle, it would have been a lot nicer.
The idea for the theme was very cool and the gun felt nice to shoot. The movement felt fun and dashing then jumping quickly became my goto strategy.
Gameplay was very fun.
Overall, fun game.
I feel this is definitely the best game I've made thus far, in part because, somewhat ironically, I wasn't being very ambitious. This gave me more time to polish the game and add more content. The staff durability system in general was absolutely a weak point of the game; in my opinion, it was the weakest.
Thank you so much for the extensive review and your kind words.