Not everyone likes or uses Patreon mate. I despise Patreon and will never use it.
My reasons are that Patreon enforces the ideologies of its staff on its users. I remember years ago they kicked some members off the platform because they were, supposedly, right wing supporters or some such. I think thats unfair because a payment platform shouldn't care about politics, the only things that should matter is the law and doing their jobs.
I also think the monthly payment structure is open to abuse and encourages laziness. I have heard of creators simply going dark and not telling their followers, happy to take their money until they realize whats going on and cancel their subs. Not unlike streaming services.
And if you time it right, produce some content and then go dark, after building an expectation that it'll be 6 months or more before the next content release then you can claim up to 6 months of payments for doing nothing before people start to cancel their subs. Sounds like a nice pay day dont you think?
As for the laziness issue, having a reliable source of income and license to take 6 months or more to create a product can easily be used to just drag the creation process out. Take your time. As long as you do produce enough to satisfy the minimum to keep your Subs your golden.
If you dont get paid until you pony up the goods, you are forced to produce the goods regularly and on time or you go very hungry!