Hello.Why not. I made a time travel game some years ago and I want to improve it for this jam. The exclamations of the main character when she change of time periode could be a good improvement. She could even speak with the car. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ0ZrLrJsSM https://jack-mordred.itch.io/an-other-day. If you want you can found me on this discord server, I use the same user name.
Hi Jack. In normal circumstances I’d be jumping at this. Unfortunately in the last 2 days I’ve come down with a really nasty cough and today I’ve completely lost my voice 😱😭 looking at the end dates of 4th November I don’t think I’ll be better in time to be able to record this for you. Really sorry. If that changes I’ll be in touch.
This will also apply to anyone else reading this. Apologies but I’m withdrawing from this jam.