Hi Jordan,
Sorry to speak so harshly about the body's texture and the map layout!
I probably should have figured the body was a build issue based on the overall quality of the submission otherwise. May I ask, are there more than four tapes? And.. how many are through underwater areas?
Let me apologize for calling the layout "copy-pasted". That was spoken in haste and in truth I never thought that it was actually tiled, repeated, or anything like that. The layout was very identifiable, I guess what I meant to say is that a map which played more with distant lights and dark areas between to plot and plan a route to navigate from afar (like you're on a mountain ridge during a hike, say), would be more interesting. I say this only because there was one really good area, looking up a steep tunnel at the secret exit above a camp, that this was present in the game. It was a very compelling, atmospheric spot for me.
Again kudos to you and the team!