Update 13
I've been rather busy lately, so this one is rather small.
Menu Work
- Each item gets a fancier description that has the name, type, stats, and lore of a weapon instead of just stats and a bit of flavor text.
- Fixed an issue with the weapon selection menu where the scrollbars stayed in the middle if you scrolled down then switched, leading to the description starting in the middle if you go to a new description.
- Created the cosmetic and level select menus (level select looks similar to the weapon select so I won't show a picture of it).

Gameplay Changes
- Nerfed enemy weapons.
- All enemy weapons received a damage nerf ranging from 10% to 33% less damage than the player variant.
- The faster enemy weapons received fire rate nerfs. Slower weapons kept their fire rate, though the Scallywagger's enemy variant reloads slower.
- Adjusted player weapons.
- All player projectiles move faster. Explosives move at 20 m/s, arrows move at 100 m/s, and the rest move at 30 m/s.
- The Little Shotty now has more ammo instead of firing faster. Since a faster fire rate just means enemies die faster with not much significant decrease in damage (despite being 24 less per mag), so I made it a mag size advantage instead of a fire rate advantage. The new mag size is 6 and the new fire rate is 1. It kills grunts in 2 hits like the Mama Shotty, but every bullet needs to hit and heavies go down in one more shot, so I consider it balanced for now.
- The Papa Shotty now has less ammo instead of firing slower. It had the reverse deal of the Little Shotty, with the slower firing rate not making up for the increase in damage. Having a weapon that slow was also just not very good. The new mag size is 3 and the new fire rate is 1. It killls grunts in 2 hits like the Mama Shotty, but only about half the bullets need to hit, so with less precision needed, I consider it balanced for now.
- The Launch Controller now reloads in 1.5 seconds instead of 2. Since it deals no damage and is mainly best for mobility, it shouldn't reload so slow.
- The Salt & Pepper now has a fire rate of 5 instead of 6. Despite the spread, I felt it was still better than the Old Reliable since having more small bullets instead of less large bullets means each miss is less punishing.
- The Iron Fists now attack 3 times per second instead of 2. Since shotguns can quickly kill enemies at longer ranges, the fists need to be really good at point blank range. I also made the fist sprites go farther when punching so the animation lines up with the hitbox.
Future Ideas
- Weapon variant system
- This system would have (almost) every weapon have different versions with different stats, like the Mama Shotty having a tighter spread or the Scallywagger firing 3 medium shots instead of 1 big shot. This could result in certain weapons being turned into weapon variants, like the Little and Papa Shotties.
- Basic melee attack
- Simply press the melee button to punch an enemy. If this occurs, the metal gloves will simply be a boost to this attack instead of something you deploy. I'm also considering bringing back the melee system as its own slot (meaning you would select 4 weapons instead of 3).
Nothing to say for a conclusion, but things are fine for me.