That's very kind of you. If I helped out in any way; I'd say that's reward enough, but I'm not going to turn down a video of someone playing my game. Just don't stress over it if you're too busy. Keep up the great work :)
Oh! Silly me; I misunderstood. I was probably trying to multi-task when I read your comment, sorry about that. Don't worry about making a video on my game; just keep working on your project. I hope the dev-log videos go well; I was never very good at making them... I always felt they were more stressful to make than the actual game development... it's probably a skill I should work on.
Yeah - I made one devlog video but on the second I spent wayyyy too long trying to make it better than the last one and I was improving as I was making it so I had to keep redoing it, and it got to the point where the same thing that happened to you happened to me, where it was just to exhausting. So maybe what I’ll do instead is make videos of me playing games and then simply try and get popular and use my popularity to promote my game.
I've had a look at both your youtube page and Itch page. I've never been good with popularity, so feel free to disregard my advice, but if the age on your itch profile is correct; don't stress so much.
You've got a playable public alpha/beta for a new game, as well as one finished and public game. You're doing really well.
I'd say that you should focus on finishing projects and refining skills. Don't get down on yourself for not getting thousands of downloads and views, just try and figure out what you enjoy doing.
If you want to to do more youtube videos; that might really help you with presentation and over-coming the "talking to no one"-thing (That still weirds me out), and the many hours you could get from talking over and discussing other peoples games might help (and really help lesser known developers), but please don't dismiss your own skills.
How about a Scratch tutorial? How about a tutorial on how you do music and SFX?
Little things like that can really help out an early developer.
I just added an instagram link to my Itch profile page. I don't use it much, but since I like offering advice to developers; I figured it would make messaging better. Having a large conversation like this in my game page is probably "unprofessional".
Feel free to hit me up for playtesting, advice and so on. I might reply quite late, but I'll always try to answer.
Keep up the good work :)