First off, I think this game manages to stand out - And not just because of the reactions and replies to various answers. Nope, it's also well written from what I've seen so far and apparently delivers it's subject material without making it exploitation.
With this out of the way, I need be very blunt about something. And this is an honest, real suggestion/complaint with, and I MEAN this, no hint of sarcasm, irony or intent of shitposting:
Please don't shut out/gatekeep people with a high body count and/or sex workers.
When the question came up, I seriously sat down and started counting how many people I actually slept with, because why not, might as well.
"I think you're being unrealistic"
Fine. I'll subtract those from my times working as an escort because "it's just work"
"I think you're being unrealistic"
Oh come on. FINE. I'll subtract "work" AND those who were "only" oral.
"I think you're being unrealistic"
I came all the way here from a Youtube Let's Play I cancelled a few minutes in because I was so intrigued that I wanted to play it myself, only to be met with this.
Yes, it's fucking autistic because I'm a diagnosed fucking autist on the spectrum, but I CANNOT continue this game until I can input my very own, very real number and NOT be told that I'm being unrealistic. It IS very real, thankyouverymuch.
I'll even buy the game for a fiver if this ATROCIOUS oversight is fixed.
And no, I'm not -actually- raging in my seat about this, but I AM uncapable of finishing the game this way, and it DOES bug me.