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Love the new models, they look really nice.  Levels are still a bit too blocky though. Hope the UI will get a similar upgrade as the models did.

Going into the dungeon after finishing the tutorial level just gives me a white screen:

The white screen is a rare bug that i unfortunately haven't been able to work out. It's rare so quitting and restarting should fix it. Do you know what your OS and graphics card are?

Win10 & 3080 mobile.

Well restarting does work, but that puts me back at the prologue.

(1 edit)

Fuck, there is an issue with the save system. I'll work out what went wrong and do an update.

EDIT: Save System is fixed but old saves are F'd. If you wanted to continue to play you can either do the tutorial again or paste the text between the lines  in following into the following path
C:\Users\{You}\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Healed To Death\saves\save01.tres


[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="SaveData" load_steps=2 format=3]

[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Data/" id="1"]


script = ExtResource("1")

game_version = "0.7.0"

data = {

"CompletedLevels": ["LEVEL_TUTORIAL"],



"DiscoveredUpgrades": Array[String]([]),

"HealerPower": 0,

"PUDamageSlots": 3,

"PUHealerSlots": 1,

"PUTankSlots": 1,

"PermaCriticalStrikeUpgrade": 0,

"PermaHealthUpgrade": 0,

"PermaMagicalDamageUpgrade": 0,

"PermaPhysicalDamageUpgrade": 0,

"TownBarracksBuildLevel": 0,

"TownHallBuildLevel": 1,

"TownInnBuildLevel": 0,

"TownMonasteryBuildLevel": 0,

"UnlockedLevels": ["LEVEL_TOWN", "LEVEL_AREAGENERIC"],

"WorldGold": 200



Saving seems to work now yeah, and I couldn't get the white screen bug to trigger again.

Trying to drag things in the hotbar gets stuck sometimes: