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A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think I was too busy trying to work out how to turn on the music and skipped some of the dialog. As a result i was very confused about what to do and got stuck early on.


I enjoyed it. I got stuck by a bug where things weren't spawning. Not sure what happened. Also not sure why the cooldowns and still recharging between rounds.

A huge amount of changes on this one. It was meant to have new character models but there has been delays. If i get them within 1-2 days i'll update the demo. Otherwise enjoy.

I appreciate your feedback. I have an overworld system but maybe i need to reorder things. I think I valued getting the player started with the game more than i should have. I'll work on the introduction. Providing some where, what and why context for the game.

I got filtered from your game.


I'll continue to see what I can do to spice up the core gameplay. I need new models which will help. Hotkey combat poses some design challenges without the game becoming crazy and unfair from the get go. It's a tough line to balance but i'll look at where it peaks and dips.

I've actually had a lot of thought when implementing that specific holy light upgrade, to the point where i've been meaning to change it for around a month. Not sure if you care about my youtube at all but i'll probably make a short video about why the design  of the upgrade failed.

I've had the exact same bug with the exit tracker once and then i couldn't repeat it ever again. I'll spend some time working how what circumstances need to occur for this to happen and implement a fix to it.

Thanks for the feedback as always.

Thanks for the comment. The Shader compilation was done basically a day before demo day so unfortunately i didn't get everything. I get similar results when I clear my shader cache as well. I'll be tinkering with it because I'd like it to be 100% good rather than 98% good.

I failed your first mission. Obviously I was doing something wrong but it's not obvious as to what I was doing wrong when it's your first play through.


I had fun but the game started to give me motion sickness. I like the look of the environment.

I really struggled to succeed at this game. I found I did better when ignoring the elemental bonuses since it let me attack all the time. I felt like I was playing the game wrong the entire time.


The combat was easy to work out but there is a lot of information given to me without any context for the first couple minutes of the game that sort of overwhelmed me.



Please let me know if you want the original MP4 file.

Video Feedback: Pretty similar to the feedback I gave on DD51, i'm overwhelmed and i don't exactly know what's going on.

Video Feedback: The core of the game is fun. It definitely feels like a passion project. It also feels like a game that's going to take many years of polishing the rough edges. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

Thanks for the feedback.
I just have 1 question on It's a shame that equipment and Stuff doesn't seem to carry over between Levels.
I just want to confirm that you mean when you start a new run and not when you go down to a deeper floor during the same run.

This is really great feedback. I appreciate it a lot. I'll look into getting the things you pointed out addressed.

Video Feedback: I found things a bit confusing

You can cancel spells with the escape key. I have 2 questions that stem from this.

1. Is this a good enough way if you had known the information beforehand

2. Are there any ideas you have on how to better indicate this mechanic to the players?

Thanks for the Feedback.
A couple of notes.
i hate that hovering over someone's HUD in the side menu changes my target

There is an option to changes that
i don’t like that the choice of healer is random
When you upgrade the Inn, you can start buying slots that let you choose your healer

I'll think of ways to nudge players into knowing this passively.

Video Feedback: I hated your game but i can't deny that you've nailed what you're going for.

Video Feedback: Not much to say other than i had fun

Video Feedback: I struggled to understand a number of mechanics

Video Feedback: It's pretty obvious it needs more time and for some objectives to be added.

Video Feedback: I didn't really understand the point game too well. 

Video Feedback: 

Video Feedback: 

Video Feedback: 
I didn't enjoy my experience playing this and had to quit after 4 minutes due to getting motion sickness. Hopefully the video can help direct you towards the next areas for improvement.

The bit you find interesting is why I provide videos, because who knows when your game is being played incorrectly. I think being thrown into a game with a timer just immediately puts me into survival mode and i'm just going to focus on whatever works. Whatever was in the tutorial screen was immediately forgotten. Whatever you do with this information is up to you.

Thanks for the feedback.

Video Feedback: Needs more sound effects upgrades. Not sure where you are in development anyway.

Thanks for the video. I've written down a lot of small things I need to either fix, improve or add.

Video Feedback.

Something i would like is if there was a little highlight over which color was selected. Some of the shades are just a little bit too similar. It would help with color blind support anyway.

Video Feedback: (Warning it's very loud and you can't hear me)
Some comments at the end but if you wanted to see gameplay then just mute the video.

Thanks for the feedback. I've lowered the Churchbell sound effect by 10db for future builds.

Thanks for the video. It's really useful to see you play and see the discussion

Thanks for the video feedback. It's helpful to see how people play my game.

stuttering/rubberbanding in your video is completely new to me

That's more of a video recording issue. Things were a bit laggy but it was an issue with my recording software. I didn't experience this while playing.

I hated it. I'm a bit mean in the video but I hope you can view it as constructive.
Video Feedback:

Video Feedback:

A lot of the damage i took felt a little cheap. 

Video response: 

The recording is a little messed up but the main thing is that there is a lot of optimisation improvements you will need to get done. I got a crash when i tried to cast a fireball. Hope this helps.