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A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Always appreciate your feedback. I'll do additional play testing to see if i can fix the black out and see if it's repeatable. The Soothing Mist crash is likely something i can repeat.

I'll look at addition ways to make it clear that passive mode is on. There are dancing flags around the party members, I'll probably add another flag as it seems like a lot of people miss it. 

The micromanagement is going to be a flavour in the game. The game has been designed around controlling your party so adding in smart allies would undermine many different mechanics and ideas that have already been implemented. I think that overall this is the right call but I know that it's going to be a divisive mechanic.

On the overall release front, the next 2.5 months are basically all about improving the main issues you brought up in the bottom paragraph. If Healed To Death flops in the April release, I don't think delaying it until an July/August release is going to change that outcome. I can understand how the opposite could be true for different people, but when I consider my own skill set and the other person i'm working with, an April release is the best scenario.

thanks for the feedback Tomo.

I'm trying to get a release out for April so only some of your feedback can be actioned (some of it already is). I'm definitely going to be redoing the prologue before release. The output from the artist is way behind schedule so i've readjusted the plan to try and make sure that the game can release with some enemy variety though it's largely just going to be skeletons, ghosts and ghouls using the rigs and animations of player/party member models. Not super happy about it but I'm fairly committed to an April release so I'll just have to accept what I get.

I thought i had fixed all cases of the black screen bug. i'll look into it. Frustrating that it did that.
I've changed the text to revive & i've fixed the party placement issues so thanks for reporting.
For the camera turn part, left click turns the camera and right click turns the player. I'll do some changes in the tutorial to make that clearer.

Q and E are way too useful to be wasted on a mostly useless action people will do with the mouse anyway. Consider changing the default keybinds

Honestly i'll probably do that. I wanted to give people the option for tank controls but I'm probably better off forcing people to use right mouse button to turn as the default.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm really happy that people are finally beating the first level. I've had to nerf it a lot as i think you're the 2nd person besides me who has beaten the demo.

I got baited into buying shield bash

I just got an idea of how i could help nudge you into knowing it can't be bought. I'll see if making a red outline and a couple other things can help prevent this in the future.

arcane magistrate's abilities is really generous

I know but it has to be this way for the first area. The game is extremely difficult for most people as there's about 15 things going on and their brain is just overwhelmed. Greater challenges will be present in the full game. I am thinking about adding a hard mode version of the game as some point but i'd probably only do it as a patch 1.1 thing if the game got sales.

The library could use a section on the various available characters

100%. I want to have various books that let's you explore the various mechanics of the game. I'll get this done for the next Demo Day.

I get that metaprogression can be fun but when presented with a flat stat boost players might feel like they're trivializing the game by getting those upgrades or that they're supposed to grind for them if they're struggling. 

It's a fair criticism and you've nailed the intent. I think a lot of people struggling will need that extra carrot on a stick as a bit of relief from a pure 'git gud' mindset. Especially if they can't quite conceptualise what they are doing wrong and why they are bad. I understand this will water down the game for people who want a purely 'git gud' experience. It's a trade off without a clear right answer but overall I think that have some meta progression is healthier for the game a whole. The costs of upgrades scale up quite quickly to hopefully discourage people from grinding and instead it just feels like a passive bonus they get while playing the game.

There's no reason to show outdated upgrades in the healer's spellbook, also upgrades should probably be sorted by spell rather than written down in the order you get the upgrades.


I stacked crit chance and got the extra crit upgrades for instant heal and it was hard to tell when spells critted in the chaos, I'm pretty sure that there's a sound clue but maybe the numbers could be of a different color as well, maybe a lighter green or gold? There's a lot of numbers flying around so just making them slightly bigger is not very clear.

 I'll play around with how crits show again as I would like them to stand out.

Appreciate your feedback as always

I really hope to get more enemy variants in the game as well. The timeline on art has been a bit of a disaster. Will see what can be done within the next 3 months.

Video Feedback.

Some decent level design but the soccer ball mechanic isn't very intuitive. I would like it if the companions would automatically climb the ladder and jump off with me when my 'follow me' state is on. I went into this game confused about what the story was about. I have somehow left even more confused. 

Video Feedback: 

It feels very unpolished at the moment. Hope this gameplay footage can help you.

Video Feedback:

It's a cool game. I think that some of the goofy parts of the game take away from the overall setting.  

Let me know if you have any specific feedback on how the UI can be approved.

The red really blends in with this environment unfortunately. I've added a shader texture to make it a little easier to see.

Is the main issue with the mage boss that the aoe is just too difficult to see?

Also i've been thinking about just attacking an attack command for the dps. I'll probably add that so only the damage dealers  attack the add and such

Thanks for playing. It's good to know that the game was beatable by people other than me. Do you have experience in MMOs?

Also you don't need the map, they just guide you to the exit. The failure of this is being teleported to the boss room. Which isn't really a failure but you do miss out on additional soul fragments and a 5% damage and healing buff for you and your party. I may buff this to also reduce damage taken by 5%. 

Not sure if i want to add a debuff for failure or if missing out of the upside is enough of a failure.

After the artist is done finishing all of the character models, new enemy models will be done to replace the skeletons. This will probably happen in 2025 though.

Here is part 3: 

This is by far the most fun i've had playing a demo day game so great job.

I am genuinely enjoying this game: here is part 2. I plan on finishing the demo so expect a part 3.

Things of note:
There is a module in the messy room and a security desk where where i feel like i could jump over it IRL but because i can't jump in game I have to go around. It's a bit immersion breaking. I think you need to add some glass or some addition barriers to really sell the fact that you have to go around. The environment should tell me what I can do rather than having to focus on the limitations in the game mechanics.

There is a small gap between a water tile in the sewers. 

The pallets (the wooden things) are a too low res even for your game, it breaks the otherwise fairly consistent art style.

The sewers are a bit too labyrinth and samey. It could benefit from some hall marks.

There is a large flesh thing in one of the offices i wasted a bunch of bullets on and wasn't able to kill it. Everything in the game indicates that i should be able to kill it after wasting 12 or 18 shots, I decided it wasn't worth it. Not sure what your intention is but I feel tricked into wasting so much ammo.

(2 edits)

Updated the build again to hopefully fix the white screen issue.

EDIT: It has not, I think you need to restart the game and the issue should go away. I can repeat the issue at least, will work out why this issue has occurred.

Found out what the problem was. The white screens shouldn't occur again for 1st time players.

I can't hear it. But multiple people are having issues with the game having graphical issues. Clearly something is off and I need to hunt down what has gone wrong in this build.

(1 edit)

Fuck, there is an issue with the save system. I'll work out what went wrong and do an update.

EDIT: Save System is fixed but old saves are F'd. If you wanted to continue to play you can either do the tutorial again or paste the text between the lines  in following into the following path
C:\Users\{You}\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Healed To Death\saves\save01.tres


[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="SaveData" load_steps=2 format=3]

[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Data/" id="1"]


script = ExtResource("1")

game_version = "0.7.0"

data = {

"CompletedLevels": ["LEVEL_TUTORIAL"],



"DiscoveredUpgrades": Array[String]([]),

"HealerPower": 0,

"PUDamageSlots": 3,

"PUHealerSlots": 1,

"PUTankSlots": 1,

"PermaCriticalStrikeUpgrade": 0,

"PermaHealthUpgrade": 0,

"PermaMagicalDamageUpgrade": 0,

"PermaPhysicalDamageUpgrade": 0,

"TownBarracksBuildLevel": 0,

"TownHallBuildLevel": 1,

"TownInnBuildLevel": 0,

"TownMonasteryBuildLevel": 0,

"UnlockedLevels": ["LEVEL_TOWN", "LEVEL_AREAGENERIC"],

"WorldGold": 200



The white screen is a rare bug that i unfortunately haven't been able to work out. It's rare so quitting and restarting should fix it. Do you know what your OS and graphics card are?

Video feedback: 

I enjoyed the game, but i got stuck after getting a metal bar. While writing this comment i realised that i should have checked the ladder. 
(1 edit)

Windows 10 Pro

GTX 1660 Super

AMD Ryzen 6 2600

First time playing the game

Video Feedback: 

I didn't really understand the strategy.

Video Feedback: 

The game was unplayable for me for some reason. I kept trying to use wasd but it felt like 99% of my inputs were lost. Not sure if it's just me or if you have uploaded a broken build.


I think I was too busy trying to work out how to turn on the music and skipped some of the dialog. As a result i was very confused about what to do and got stuck early on.


I enjoyed it. I got stuck by a bug where things weren't spawning. Not sure what happened. Also not sure why the cooldowns and still recharging between rounds.

A huge amount of changes on this one. It was meant to have new character models but there has been delays. If i get them within 1-2 days i'll update the demo. Otherwise enjoy.

I appreciate your feedback. I have an overworld system but maybe i need to reorder things. I think I valued getting the player started with the game more than i should have. I'll work on the introduction. Providing some where, what and why context for the game.

I got filtered from your game.


I'll continue to see what I can do to spice up the core gameplay. I need new models which will help. Hotkey combat poses some design challenges without the game becoming crazy and unfair from the get go. It's a tough line to balance but i'll look at where it peaks and dips.

I've actually had a lot of thought when implementing that specific holy light upgrade, to the point where i've been meaning to change it for around a month. Not sure if you care about my youtube at all but i'll probably make a short video about why the design  of the upgrade failed.

I've had the exact same bug with the exit tracker once and then i couldn't repeat it ever again. I'll spend some time working how what circumstances need to occur for this to happen and implement a fix to it.

Thanks for the feedback as always.

Thanks for the comment. The Shader compilation was done basically a day before demo day so unfortunately i didn't get everything. I get similar results when I clear my shader cache as well. I'll be tinkering with it because I'd like it to be 100% good rather than 98% good.

I failed your first mission. Obviously I was doing something wrong but it's not obvious as to what I was doing wrong when it's your first play through.


I had fun but the game started to give me motion sickness. I like the look of the environment.

I really struggled to succeed at this game. I found I did better when ignoring the elemental bonuses since it let me attack all the time. I felt like I was playing the game wrong the entire time.


The combat was easy to work out but there is a lot of information given to me without any context for the first couple minutes of the game that sort of overwhelmed me.



Please let me know if you want the original MP4 file.

Video Feedback: Pretty similar to the feedback I gave on DD51, i'm overwhelmed and i don't exactly know what's going on.

Video Feedback: The core of the game is fun. It definitely feels like a passion project. It also feels like a game that's going to take many years of polishing the rough edges. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

Thanks for the feedback.
I just have 1 question on It's a shame that equipment and Stuff doesn't seem to carry over between Levels.
I just want to confirm that you mean when you start a new run and not when you go down to a deeper floor during the same run.

This is really great feedback. I appreciate it a lot. I'll look into getting the things you pointed out addressed.