Overall a well made experience. There's a lot going on, so I appreciate the gradual introduction to the mechanics.
The TAB select was not behaving like I would expect. I think there were times where the selection moved to enemies in rooms I wasn't in yet. Also, I would have expected the TAB (or maybe TAB + modifier) to eventually cycling through my allies.
I really like the art and sound. I think some of the in-world sound effects could use a little reverb or some other processing to make them sound more embedded in the world. Right now they sometimes sound like isolated WAVs firing off.
I think the spell selection is a bit overwhelming, some spells feel like incremental changes so the play style or my decision making doesn't change too much. I think the spell selection screen could benefit from some "icon language" to make it readily apparent active vs. passive, AoE, heal magnitude, channeling, etc. Right now I really have to sit and read closely to understand the difference in spells.
Environments could use some more props/furniture.