this really is a great game, i'm following to keep an eye on it. as for the statement about finding food being frustrating, it really is, i'm assuming that you have these thingss set in ratio's, inside the program, personally, I would suggest increasing the ratio's for now, to increase the amount of times that the character get's those scenes, possibly even adding an option to start farming from the seeds, a few logs can get a basic planter going, or be used to set up a fence for a field. possibly a wooden hoe option to make it easier to get it ready after each harvest, but don't make it give enough that the character doesn't need to still forage to keep a good stock available. on average it would probably be able to generate 1-2 apples or whatever for 2-3 days, then the mc will need to wait 3-5 days before they can replant. the growth can take a week, unless the mc hasss, lets say an accelerated growth spell? just 1 or 2 ideas to help