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Mine has stayed in English :( I never switched it because I've only played 3 games and they were all in english... but I'm glad I'm not the only one having the issue. I disabled my firewall and everything as well, I'm not sure what the issue is. 

If you don't care, if you figure it out or get a reply, would you let me know how you fixed it? 😅😅 

(1 edit)

Yeah, that was the only other idea I could think of :( It probably is something as simple as that, just not sure what. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem too. I've got my reply back now, this is what they suggested: Support (

Jan 18, 10:16 PST


Please completely disable your virus scanner before attempting again. It’s likely still running even though your subscription may have ended. You can often find it in the task bar.

We can’t offer any support until we get confirmation that you have completely turned it off. This is because virus software changes how computers operate in ways that are outside of our control, and 99% of cases where people are having issues with the app are related to virus software.


Problem is like it says my subscription to antivirus software has ended, the only thing I use is windows defender and I tried turning that off as well to no avail. I'm just trying to think of anything I've done differently lately, but nothing comes to mind. I'm trying to update my system too, but I doubt that will fix it either. :(  I'll let them know again, and just keep brainstorming what it could be. Maybe you can try turning anything off that's antivirus-related, but something tells me the issue is something else entirely. I'll let you know if I find out what's wrong, please let me know if you find out too, it's frustrating not being able to play anything!


Yes! It works again! I have no idea what I did at all! The only things I tried was to clear my cache again on my browser (though I have no idea how that would affect anything), then I just tried running the app again, it crashed, then I opened it up again, then something seemed to register because it properly loaded, then I got in! Maybe itch fixed it, I don't know but I'm so happy! Try what I did and see if it works, also contact support through email if you're still having problems. Let me know if it gets sorted :D