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Dreamer24 7

A member registered Oct 01, 2017

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Downloading the demo now; I'm looking forward playing it, it is my type of game! XD The artwork looks really amazing; I love the 2.5D animation, fantasy elements and premise! Thank you for making this and I shall definitely be following it's development! :D

I love your art style! ❤  Your background art is very beautiful. Glad to hear development is going well! 😊 I really enjoyed your demo and I'm looking forward to seeing more of what your team has to offer! 😄

I must say, this demo is amazing! I love that I chose to be a girl called Marina, then picked the option to say "Wow. Cove's dad is obsessed with water!" XD. I also love that I chose for her to have blue hair and yellow eyes (like the sea and sun; I love my symbolism) and Cove so happened to say he likes blue and yellow. Coincidence? (I hope not!)

I adore the exploration of the various stages of a relationship and the lasting inpact you can have on a person; those themes haven't been represented in such depth in games before. It's great that Cove remembers what you tell him too, very sweet. ("I thought you couldn't own a hill." I'm such a great influence! :D)

I loved going from childhood friendship to awkward teen crush, so cute! I was hoping to get him to open up more; I made sure to be extroverted, but he still seemed to be quite shy. I think I was too nice and not rebellious enough the first time. Figuring out the mystery behind how your choices affect Cove makes for great replayability, and it's exciting to see the various versions of him and his personality come into effect.

I was wondering will the soundtrack and artbook be available to purchase once the game launches or are they only available through becoming a patron? I was thinking about becoming one anyway because I'd love to play the beta and support this amazing project. Looking forward to this, as well as Now and Forever too. Couldn't recommend it enough, thank you so much for making this! :D

I have received my email now, looking forward to playing now! The artbook and guide releases separately I believe? I'll just start playing and wait for those to come through too. Thank you so much for making this beautiful game, I love it so much! :D

Thank you so much for your reply, I was worried there was a problem with my purchase! I shall wait as patiently as I can then, but it won't be easy, I'm too excited! XD

Hello, I also pre-ordered the game with artbook and guide (on the website, not on kickstarter)  but have not received a key either. I have the email as proof if you need it. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated; I'm so looking forward to playing the game! :D

Yes! It works again! I have no idea what I did at all! The only things I tried was to clear my cache again on my browser (though I have no idea how that would affect anything), then I just tried running the app again, it crashed, then I opened it up again, then something seemed to register because it properly loaded, then I got in! Maybe itch fixed it, I don't know but I'm so happy! Try what I did and see if it works, also contact support through email if you're still having problems. Let me know if it gets sorted :D

Problem is like it says my subscription to antivirus software has ended, the only thing I use is windows defender and I tried turning that off as well to no avail. I'm just trying to think of anything I've done differently lately, but nothing comes to mind. I'm trying to update my system too, but I doubt that will fix it either. :(  I'll let them know again, and just keep brainstorming what it could be. Maybe you can try turning anything off that's antivirus-related, but something tells me the issue is something else entirely. I'll let you know if I find out what's wrong, please let me know if you find out too, it's frustrating not being able to play anything!

(1 edit)

Yeah, that was the only other idea I could think of :( It probably is something as simple as that, just not sure what. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem too. I've got my reply back now, this is what they suggested: Support (

Jan 18, 10:16 PST


Please completely disable your virus scanner before attempting again. It’s likely still running even though your subscription may have ended. You can often find it in the task bar.

We can’t offer any support until we get confirmation that you have completely turned it off. This is because virus software changes how computers operate in ways that are outside of our control, and 99% of cases where people are having issues with the app are related to virus software.


I'm also having the same problem. It says timed out connecting to butlerd as well. I sent an email to support and I'm waiting to hear back. I've restarted numerous times and temporarily disabled my firewall with no success. I know once before the solution was I had to change my system locale back to English as I had it on Japanese to play some games, but that isn't the problem this time. Maybe try that if you haven't, otherwise I'm stumped! :(

Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed the playlist. It's so awesome that you made this on your own and it inspires me to learn to make my own games. This project deserves some love and I'm rooting for you all the way! :D

Hey, I played the demo and loved it! Love the artwork, the battles, the lore and the characters! If it's alright, I created a fan-made playlist of royalty free music tracks to listen to alongside the game while there is none (I don't own them, I put them together on soundcloud. Also some are watermarked, but were too good not to use!). If anyone wants to, take a listen and see if you think they would fit!

1) Splash Free! - Main Menu Theme

2) A Sad Halloween Story - Intro

3) Spooky Flutes - Cathedral/Ethanor Theme

4) Halloween Tango - Battle Prelude

5) Dark Battle "Glory Eternal" - Battle Theme A

6) Spooky Fun Halloween Waltz - Level Up!

7) Halloween Motion - Map Theme A

8) Halloween Lullaby - Moonlit Lake/Cassandra Theme

9) Dreams From The Ashes - Battle Theme B

10) Halloween Spooky Background Music - Comedy/Fail Moments

11) Smooth Latin Jazz - After Battle

12) Haunting Piano - Romantic Moments

13) Halloween Night - Map Theme B

14) Halloween Waltz - Duskridge Town

15) Mysterious Piano - Graveyard/Fester Theme

16) Spooky Halloween - End Credits

17) Quirky Electro Swing - Riot's Theme

It goes in order of appearance in-game (mostly!). There is a mixture of different genres like jazz, electro swing and waltz, but they are linked with a quirky, Halloween vibe with the aim of giving it some personality. Let me know if you think it works, it took me a couple of days sifting through various different tracks and this was the result. Sorry for the long comment! XD

Tysm for the lovely comment! :D I'm glad that it sounds like an official soundtrack; I tried my best to decide what the soundtrack should sound like and what type of music each character's theme should be. It took me a few days listening to various different tracks and this was the end result. I hope the creators can listen to some of these and try to get them into the main game!  I feel like I should find an ending theme, keeping the final game in mind. Do you think there is anything missing?

I received the USB and charms today, just in time for Halloween and I am very happy! The designs are very cool and cute; looking forward to going through the game tomorrow and good luck with your future projects (fingers crossed for Valentine Otome!). P.S. Thanks for the little personalised message! :D

Hello, I made the purchase of the USB and saved my details (a couple of times as I wasn't sure if it went through). I am waiting with anticipation! I wish I knew what day it would arrive and as I'm from the UK I assume it will be some time... I wish I could get it in time for Halloween! (P.S. I can't believe I left 13 remaining and the fan book is 13MB... that number follows me everywhere... I was born on the 13th and had my 13th birthday on Friday 13th... Perhaps I should have bought this two days ago, on the 13th!)

(3 edits)

Hey, played the demo and really enjoyed it! Noticed there was no music (I'm sure there will be) so for now I created a fan-made playlist of royalty free music to listen to alongside the game (I don't own them; I put them together on soundcloud). If anyone wants to, take a listen and see if you think they would fit!                                                                                                                    

 1) Treasures - Main Menu theme 

 2) Drive - Natsu's theme

 3) Indie Rock Sensation - Grouchy's theme

 4) Sunset Walker - Prince's theme

 5) Aqueduct - Glasses theme

 6) Yo - Meeting Shady

 7) All the Sevens - Shady's theme (mainly if romance-able in the future!)

 8) These Moments - Heartfelt Moments with Glasses

 9) Shining Through - Heartfelt Moments with Grouchy

 10) Positive Warmth - Heartfelt Moments with Prince

 11) Can't Stop Me - Generic Track

 12) All Funked Up - Generic Track (would be funny when Natsu and Grouchy row)

 13) Breakfast with you - Generic Track

 14) Finger Licking Good - Generic Track (not theme from KFC!)

15) Guadalajara - Generic Track

16) Collar Up - Generic Track 

At first I thought ukulele-based tracks would be good, but then they seemed so common, so I went with more of a funky vibe to give it the personality it deserves. The themed tracks are different to give each character their own vibe. Let me know if it works; I might change them again, we'll see. Enjoy! :D