Thanks for the suggestions! Really good stuff. Bunch of them I have in some form on my list of things to eventually update, I'll pick out a couple to discuss real quick:
I kid you not, I had actually written up some ideas for more resource items over the weekend, and one of them was for a resin material ;)
Using it as a means of sealing leaks is a cool idea. Along with plant fibers, to make some sort of "natural" duct-tape perhaps. Air leaks can definitely get annoying, I think they also need a clearer reason for happening - like you crash your buggie into the side of a module or or they get hit with a small meteor or something... vs just happening randomly... all the time haha
Gravel roads I also really want to get working at some point, there's a half-baked version of them in the game right now if you use the cheat-console (F1) and type "giveitem gravel-builder 10", but I stopped working on them once it was obvious that it was going to need a bunch more work - right now they're treated as a "base" object (and therefor transfer power, water, air between other habitat modules, solar panels etc).
HUD health/hunger etc absolutely needs an overhaul at some point.
Anyways, thanks again for taking the time to share that. Cheers!