although the hotkey for it didn’t work and I could only select it with the scroll wheel.
If you’ve played the demo previously then you need to reset the keybindings for it to work. I’ve got an idea to make that less necessary in the future though.
I wish the spike has a bigger hitbox, it says it does more damage while moving but it’s not easy to land reliably unless you’re running straight at the enemy.
That is actually the intention, it doesn’t check which direction you’re moving in, just your speed. I may as well rephrase that point actually.
Hoping for more levels soon, I want more chances to mow people down with the autoshotty
Next demo day I’ll have a level finally pushing forward again instead of adding to the start, and the later levels will prioritize more enemies and larger (or at least more difficult) encounters. I’m getting quite sick of working on this game though so unless it randomly blows up (unlikely) I’m going to only have seven levels.