Pretty solid game, interesting gimmick of balancing between doing damage and keeping your party alive. The tutorial was well done and I didn't really have any issues with it, picked up stuff easily. I had the same white screen issue after finishing the tutorial though, going into the town and going into the Ossuary after that: to me it seems like that the whiteout during the transition gets stuck. I restarted the game and it fixed it, and wasn't able to reproduce it afterwards no matter what I tried, so might be something that only happens the first time around.
Another bug I came across that I had the mouse capture when the party control tutorial popped up, which held the window without any mouse - I had to alt-tab and remove focus from the game to get the cursor back and then click on the button that way to continue.
Sometimes I was able to switch targets mid-cast, but other times it didn't work - not sure if it's limited for switching between enemies/friendlies, or only specific spells can switch targets mid-cast.
Also first time I started a game after the tutorial I ran out of time and the shadows took me, but still went to the boss room afterwards - not sure if it's supposed to be or something worse is supposed to happen.
I liked the different gimmicks of the different characters, though as you unlock more spells those flavors kinda fell to the wayside as I ended up unlocking the same usual spells I liked. Though I didn't get very far, as I wasn't able to beat the skeleton boss.