Thanks! The textures are simply downsized with no interpolation (with some touch-up after if necessary), for the overall view it's a shader.
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A racing game with guns is a concept I like (loved Death Rally back in the day), so was curious to give it a try. Right out the bat, being able to change the color of the car is a nice touch, and the deformations on the model as it takes damage looks good too.
Unfortunately, the car didn't control very well for me, at least on keyboard. It feels very slippery, like the whole area is covered with a sheet of ice - for example, starting the race map, even just holding forward, the car immediately starts to slide a bit to the side once the countdown ends. The way it can rotate while standing still is strange too, which probably contributes to the control issues. Turning has this weird curve, where it starts turning very little, then quickly ramps up to turning a lot - because of that, a lot of the turns ends with the car going out of control as the car slides out left to right and back repeatedly.
During the race game mode, it also wasn't clear to me what I picked up, as I speeded through the pickups pretty fast - a text popping up showing what weapon/item you got would be nice. The rockets also indicate homing the way they create a selection box around the opponents, though I only saw the stinger doing some amount of homing, and didn't see any controls for lock-in so I assume it's automatic.
Oh man, this game certainly took turns - I did not expect to suddenly get a gun, have a combat and money system once reaching the Brain Server, that was a really good twist from the initial presentation. The combat isn't what I expected either, but it works well enough. I like the general vibe of it so far, curious where it'll go from the demo. Below my findings I've written down while playing through it:
- Sound effects! The music is alright, though a bit repetitive after a while, but there's a strong lack of any sfx in the game.
- During the cutscene like the robot arm taking out the "brain" or the opening of the door from the computer, you can press E and the puzzle interface shows up still. It'll also gets stuck on the screen until you interact with the computer again.
- Clicking on "Chat" in the Brain Server keeps repeating the camera movement animation.
- First time I died against the second enemy (because I didn't realize you need a bullet to heal), and after respawning and killing it, going back to the Brain Server made it repeat the whole introduction dialogue of giving me a gun, HP and wallet (and saying I had no money despite having $94)
- Went in a circle made it back to the hook enemy. He was gone while the door was closed, but after opening the door he reappeared though was not interacatble. Was able to pick up the hook rope again, and looks like this can be done infinitely.
- Had to do a few loops, unsure what to do before I noticed the hole in the ceiling where the hook rope is used. Some flair to draw attention it (light ray shining down, dust particles floating down from it etc.) might make it more noticeable.
Disclamer: personally I'm not a fan of games where you swap between protagonists on the fly, so during my playthrough I only played with one character at a time - take my feedback with that in consideration. Despite that, the game was still pretty fun, even if it's rather difficult playing that way.
The animations are nice and fluid, and especially the meteor spell is really satisfying to use, though I wasn't able to figure out what the trigger for it to be able to use it. On one hand, I appreciate the levelup perk selection waiting until the battle ends and not interrupting it, but on the other, the upgrade it can give might be good for the currently ongoing fight. I've also picked up equipment but wasn't sure whether it's just auto stat boost or if there's a screen where I have to equip the items.
Haven't ran into any issues, only some weird edge tiles floating in the black out of bound area, and corners generally looking weird. The skeleton archer also doesn't turn around if you go behind it mid-aiming, making it look weird as it tries to shoot backwards. Also, the witch has a hat in the portrait but not on the world sprite. (Also the hat is too small.)
Good stuff, playing through it was still fun, even with playing the two levels in previous DD. I have to admit, the mix of classic sprite graphics and the high-quality effects felt odd at first, but it grew on me eventually. What stood out with this style is that the environments were rather sparse and the level gemoetry a bit simplistic compared to the presentation. The difficulty for me was rather easy, the only time I got under 50 HP is on the hsip level when I didn't realize at first that enemies can shoot through the doors that can open one-way only.
For the weapons, they're overall nice - the two outliers are the shotgun, which feels really good to use: the sound, the screen shake, the rhyhtm of the animation is perfect - the only thing is that personally I wish the spread was tighter. On the opposite end for the other, I didn't care much for the flamethrower - it doesn't really have much feedback to it, and it doesn't even have specific death animations like Blood. Speaking of though, I love the new powerup, especially that it's triggered manually after being picked up instead of on-pickup.
Below are some bugs, issues and findings I've written down as I played through the demo:
- The tutorial is nice, though a bit handholdy for this genre, so perhaps keep it optional. I'm also not sure it needs the jumping part with the three columns, as the game is not really a platformer and precision jumping didn't came up that much during gameplay.
- The nightclub started after the tutorial level, but after completing it my only option was to go back to the main menu instead of continuing with the next level.
- Was generally missing a text somewhere on the screen that tells you what you picked up
- Would be nice if weapons and ammo carried over between levels.
- On the streets, you can jump out of bounds from the balcony of the building where you pick up the shotgun (jump from the railing to the top of the wall)
- There's a z-fighting at one of the buildings where you jump on the roof:
- The ladder movement doesn't follow the camera: looking down and pressing forward you still climb up.
- The vase in the dragon room in the sewers doesn't follow the camera, you can look behind it.
- The way the lighting disappears when you pick up the keys and you're left in darkness can be jarring when the area doesn't have other lights.
- The tram really needs sound! Also feels like not having an enemy specifically put at the start so it can be ran over is a missed opportunity.
- The lever that overlooks and operates the railway turntable is a bit too high up and doesn't have a good overlook over it - the main reason I know what it did and what to do was because I played the game before.
- The dogs keep barking when they die mid-playing the sound - probably should cut off or have a specific sound when they die.
- In the ship level engine room (with the big horizontal cylinders), if you fal between two cylinders the game makes you juggle like a pingpong ball: probably can be fixed by a small invisible horizontal platform.
Pretty solid game, interesting gimmick of balancing between doing damage and keeping your party alive. The tutorial was well done and I didn't really have any issues with it, picked up stuff easily. I had the same white screen issue after finishing the tutorial though, going into the town and going into the Ossuary after that: to me it seems like that the whiteout during the transition gets stuck. I restarted the game and it fixed it, and wasn't able to reproduce it afterwards no matter what I tried, so might be something that only happens the first time around.
Another bug I came across that I had the mouse capture when the party control tutorial popped up, which held the window without any mouse - I had to alt-tab and remove focus from the game to get the cursor back and then click on the button that way to continue.
Sometimes I was able to switch targets mid-cast, but other times it didn't work - not sure if it's limited for switching between enemies/friendlies, or only specific spells can switch targets mid-cast.
Also first time I started a game after the tutorial I ran out of time and the shadows took me, but still went to the boss room afterwards - not sure if it's supposed to be or something worse is supposed to happen.
I liked the different gimmicks of the different characters, though as you unlock more spells those flavors kinda fell to the wayside as I ended up unlocking the same usual spells I liked. Though I didn't get very far, as I wasn't able to beat the skeleton boss.
Really like the visuals and the atmosphere. Had to admit, would've died a few times if death was implemented, especially against the last enemy - though mostly because enemies seem to have full superarmor during their attack animation. Multiple light swings that can be chained together could be nice.
Couple issues/bugs I've found:
- Starting the game starts up VR as well, reading up on it seems to be because Unreal automatically includes Oculus and OpenVR plugins even when a non-VR template is used.
- Interacting with a signpost while moving keeps the character's walking animation, making him walk in spot while the interaction is ongoing.
- The enemy that glows red and needs to be parried went back for me with a red glow after it died.
For a prototype the game looks really nice, though there are some oddities like the large empty space above the planet's artwork when you click on it. The way orbital pathways are presented make me think they are a physical thing as well with how thick and chainy the circles are. Gameplay was very confusing though. I tried to do the initial missions, but both time I was told there was an incident, but the text disappears so quick I was barely able to see what's happening at the first time - a message log or something like that would be nice, along with a mission overview window once it was executed to summarize what exactly happened. I wasn't able to go very far as I didn't get any further missions afterwards, not sure if because there aren't anything yet.
The game oozes atmosphere, it looks really nice. The driving physics are good and give the van some real weight. The interior stuff is fun, though I didn't see any difference of furnishing or not other than cosmetics reason.
The map generation is really impressive, though it can create some odd situations occasionally like bridges going into walls, or roads leading to chasms. I wish the highways were more interconnected, as getting onto one meant I was railroaded for a long time without any input on my end to where to go and where to get on or off.
Found a bug where you can stop the car, press C, select repair or rest, then press C again before the little cutscene ends which lets you move around with the camera stuck in place. Eventually it returs but then the van UI comes back, which only disappears if you go in adn out with C again.
The patterned overlay looked fine at first but ended up not liking it a lot, as it makes seeing the chasms between city blocks difficult, especially at night.
Eventually I started seeing some issues like shadows flickering and the furniture vibrating, which seems like might be floating point precision errors from going too far from the world origin.
Nice concept, reminded me of Messiah as well. I saw that softlock-issue is something you already considered, that's probably the biggest pitfalls for this kind of game.
Jumping felt a little finnicky at times, for example I consistently missed the jump from the ramp to the room with the multiple pistons. The character also doesn't follow the moving platforms correctly, when they're going down you "bounce" with gravity instead of staying on the surface, and occasionally the sideways-moving platforms tried to throw me off as well.
There are a few places where the camera clipped through the geometry, like at the roof of the room past the first locked door, or the vent section.
I assume you can only posess enemies that are unaware, but I haven't seen any indication of whether possession is possible or not, as the circle indicator still shows up when soldiers are shooting at you.
Combat feels fine, I imagine that's not the main focus of the game, though if you want to add dedicated shooting sections it could probably use some polish, as right everyone is rather spongy and there is not much feedback for getting hit. If you hold RMB a bit too long for picking up guns also makes the character drop them immediately afterwards as well. Currently reloading makes everyone T-pose with only their wrists moving.
I don't think the tutorial explains what's the top left bar is - I assume it's some sort of visibility meter for stealth?
Some better feedback for the puzzles would be nice as well. Some doors are only opened by some enemies, but since I didn't try opening the first locked door with the soldier it was not confirmed with me that the portrait shown after unsuccessful attempt is the character I need until I found the officer dude that you use to unlock the second door. I also didn't check the fans before getting to the console, so I only realized that was what turned them on after I went back to the game the second time.
Apart from the initial stutters at the beginning (which is likely shader compilation), the game froze for me once and crashed to desktop another time out of the blue.
Having sections where you're forced to stay in alien form due to size was interesting, perhaps giving the aliens some other basic abilities to mix things up could work well.
Best of luck for futher development!
Game is a lot of fun. The movement feels really good and responsive, the only oddity I found that the wallrunning felt like it doesn't hold your elevation well enough. Combat is good, feedback for hitting the enemies are nice. I liked the distinct look and feel between chapter 1 and 2.
A couple of general things that apply both to Chapter 1 and 2:
Found out that you can infinitely slide into wall by holding down the button.
The opening text scroll felt too slow for me, being able to reveal it all at once with a click would be nice.
Even at max sensitivity it felt rather low, wish the slider's range would go out further.
Similarly how there's a notification for the encounter ending, a similar one for the encounter currently going on would make some situations clearer.
The way you're put back after falling can be disorenting with how instant it is, and if you keep holding movement keys you'll probably end up falling again In some places it doesn't put you back on the ground properly, making you fall infinitely until you walljump back to safety.
Chapter 1:
The taking over mechanics is interesting, and took some getting used to but by the end ended up using it pretty reliably. The melee combat is fun, and I specifically like that backstab works based on position instead of stun/alertness state, so that a good backstab mid-combat still works.
The animations for the guns are really nice, but unfortunately they felt lackluster actually using them. this is mostly due to their lack of damage, enemies small hitbox and their inherent spread, which encouraged me to get close, by which point I ended up going for the knife and backstab anyway - mostly because those also healed me, which guns didn't.
The only exception is the shotgun - it's really good at close range at least, though the damage falls off very quick. It also has the issue that it plays the reloading anmiation once you're out of shells. The way it counts ammo can be also confusing in the middle of a fight, as it counts individual shells but you can only shoot two at a time, so a display of 10 means actually only 5 shots.
With how open the levels are, would've appreciated some more objective indicators, as a good couple of times I wasn't sure where to go - like after destroying the core thing at the start, or after taking over the vulnerability. The green monitor afterwards was also a bit confusing, as you were taking over green cubes before, but other green things you had to punch.
I also managed to almost softlock myself on that level at the area with the big tunnel near the red door, where you have to take over three green cubes consecutively in the big cylinder room (first the one in the middle, then the one to the side, then up above): you can use jump and dash to get past the first two green cubes and use the third to go up. After that you circle back to that area and swap into the two remaining green cubes - they disappear after used, and wasn't able to jump-dash back the way I did it forward the first time. Managed to get otu by wall-running at the side at least.
I also constantly kept knifing the green servers instead of punching by mistake, would be nice if both would work (interestingly this was not an issue in chapter 1 - maybe because kicking is a very different action and uses different limbs?)
Also ran into a couple smaller bugs, like the corridor behind the red door has a flickering geometry if you look at it from the other way, or the upgrade kiosk automatically selecting and picking up the second upgrade after I opened the screen.
Chapter 2:
Liked the intro, definitely started with a different feel. The guns here felt much better, though against particularly tanky enemies like shotgunners I still mostly used backstabs or just kicked them off of ledges (as knife only healing is still a thing here). The escape sequence on the first level was particularly really good.
The part with the moving square platform (the first level if I remember correctly) had some issues: when it stops for you to destroy the red glowing thing it should probably wait for you before moving on (like later on after enemy encounters), as I did it while off platform and it headed off without me (at least there's a way to go on foot). It also bugged out at the end of it's path, vibrating weirdly and throwing me forward every time I jumped on it.
The stunning mechanic is interesting but I never really ended up interacting with it. Smaller enemies like infantry and workers just die before getting stunned, and tougher enemies like shotgunners take way too long to get stunned (even with something like a point blank shotgun blast) that I just ended up fishing for backstabs regardless. The tutorial also said that kicking enemies with 50%+ stagger bar would make them stagger instantly but that never worked for me. The only time I actually made use of stagger is when I unlocked the cryo cannon, though freezing is it's own status effect.
Speaking of the cryo cannon, as much fun it was to use it it probably needs some nerf. With how spammable it is with zero resource requirements it pretty much trivializes the end of the game. On the other hand, the concussion grenade I pretty much never used - would be better as an impact grenade, as I never needed the opportunity to flush enemies out of cover.
I also found something weird - during the second level, I accidentally realized I had a slingshot ability with RMB. I don't remember any tutorial telling me about it (maybe I just missed it though) and I never really needed it to progress, and it disappeared by the next level, so I'm wondering if that being there was intentional.
Thanks for checking out the demo! Glad you enjoyed it, good point on the melee zombies, thought up a different weakpoint for them, the ranged enemies probably need some nerf as well. The computer should turn back on if you interact with it after turning it off (or pressing TAB again), but apparently there's a bug that happens if you walk out while it's still in the boot sequence - the VOD was super helpful to figure out what happened, thanks!
First time playing it, apart from some initial stuttering in the beginning (which was probably the shader compilation) the game generally ran fine without any performance trouble. The party member system is interesting and generally worked pretty well (even when I forgot to equip the druid and had to watch him punch goblins with his bare hands, which was ended up looking pretty cool), never felt like they were too powerful to take the gameplay away from me, though they were pretty fragile (mostly because I didn't outfit them properly, but also because they loved to stand still in the goblin alchemist AOE). The centipede weapon/shield you get from the Rat King is really clever, I haven't found any other unique weapon like that (due to the issue below) but things like that are really fun to find.
Got into an issue where if I make it to the Mines 2 waypoint, close the game, load the save, go from the town to Mines 2, kill a few stuff and then teleport back to town, the game crashes. Was able to reproduce on both Warrior and Witch. Goblin archers also sometimes got up to a wall near a doorway where they clipped through just enough for them to shoot me but not enough for me to shoot back at the current angle, and found a Rosewood Amulet with the effect of <null>.
At 1920x1080, the UI felt generally pretty small - and by that I mean mostly the buttons, like in the title screen, or the X that closes the windows, or the level up buttons.
Having gold automatically picked up was confusing at first, as I never found any my inital thought that the only source was to sell off equipment until I realized I had more than I started with, and then noticed what the yellow numbers are that sometimes pop up after a kill. I imagine the reason is because picking up stuff has it's own animation? I don't know if you had pickupable gold before and then decided against it, but it didn't seem like it dropped often enough for it to become an issue, but of course the proper way to evaluate that would be to test it. Still, I feel that a good feedback for getting some coins in either way could do a lot for this game.
My Warrior gameplay felt good, both using melee and bows had a decent upgrade path and variety, but the Witch felt lackluster in comparison, mostly because the only spell I've found was Fireball (same with Warrior) and was left using the same gear as the Warrior. I don't know if the whole class and magic in general is new, but as someone who likes to play magic classes in these kind of games having a shop that gives similar options (and maybe even equipment that benefits from Magic stat) dedicated for spellcasters would be really nice.
The aesthetics are really cool, I like the look of this game, the premise is intriguing even if there aren't a lot there at yet. Wish it was possible to use the inventory without having to reach for the mouse, as most everything else is fine with just the keyboard. I've found a couple of bugs:
- Can't scroll dialogue opions with S, only W works - arrow keys work fine
- Clicking on save progress while the participant list is mid-animation freezes the animation
- After getting to the end of the current content, I started a new game and was unable to open the inventory with I before pressing ESC (for which nothing happens), after that I was able to open the inventory fine
- After completing the prologue on a second playthrough, it won't let me proceed and instead has the same text as the end of the game and puts me back in the main menu
My impression for this demo is that it focuses down mainly on the shop system, especially the old vs new UI so that's mainly what I'll be focusing on, though in general the idea of a Wild West-ish Recettear is a good one, the art is charming and being able to put the hat on is a nice touch.
Using keyboard and mouse, personally I prefer the interface where you scroll the cost instead of the one with the scale, but mostly because it lets me accurately put in the cost that I have in mind instead of having to try to find it in what's essentially is a scroll bar, thoguh I can see why someone might prefer the scale version. My only issue with the barter system is that I wish it had a dedicated UI button for proposing the price, as I accidentally clicked over the deal a good amount of times trying to go past the dialogue. Would be nice if they offered an alternative price if they don't agree with yours and don't storm off immediately.
Having to sweep as the dirt accumulate is an interesting idea, though I'm wondering if it'll end up too much of a chore once more things are added to the game. The footprints and the dirt was way too distracting for me with how much they are highlighted, making me actively go out and sweep them up even as people were waiting at the register. Maybe toning it down to just it being a visual thing that people can do it just for the satisfaction of seeing the shop clean without any gameplay element tied ot it? The sweeping animation also feels like it has too long pauses between sweeps, I wasn't sure if sweeping happening at first because the character stood still for a long moment before starting to move the broom.
The music is nice, having varios versions fade in and out as you play is a nice touch, though with that being the only track it can become a bit repetative - though that's also partly the small scope of the demo.
There's a lot of juice in this one, the firefights are cool, the ammo UI is peak (even if for the shotguns it isn't technically accurate, but that's a minor nitpick), and I love the way the guns are their own separate entities instead of them being just a HUD element and how you can still somewhat manage the recoil with the mouse. The difficulty in general felt right for the most part with enemies having trouble locking you in as long as you keep moving, except for the shotgunners that pellet you instantly with pinpoint accuracy from moment one. I also wish the shotguns had less spread, as they are not really useful at the moment, especailly compared to all the other options.
The way you charge up your slow-mo meter is neat as it encourages you to stay in the fight instead of staying away, the only issue is that the moment I haven't found any way to get more health/armor so ended up having to play more tactically instead engaging with the action. I'm also not in favor of sprinting using the same bar as slowmo, and the fact that sprinting runs forward by default instead of going to the direction pressed threw me off a good amount of time.
Thanks for trying out the demo!
Yeah, I've been playing around how punishing I wanted the reload to be (same with cycling with the slide), for now I erred on the more forgiving side but that's something that I want to put into a difficulty setting. Interestingly, the flow ended up way more punishing as you pointed out, describing how you went through is definitely useful. Glad you enjoyed the game, and congrats on making it to the end without a revolver still!
Thanks for checking out the demo!
Spacebar opening the menu is odd, it definitely shouldn't do that, I'll take a look. Did it happen after a while/can you reproduce it, or was it like that from the start?
Being able to pick up the fire extinguisher is an interesting idea, might experiment with it. For the other issues I have a fairly good idea what's the problem, thanks for letting me know!
I like the artstyle, it's very charming, and the idea of a light-hearted stealth game sounds interesting, and I especially like the peeking mechanic. The UI was a bit confusing, apart from the square being the compass and the text indicating the "heat" level I wasn't sure what the % does - probably something with sound? Apart from the issues others pointed out (fullscreen after game over, stuck in locker, vent movement) I've found the following:
- You can open the Peek/Unlock menu while the textbox of the door being locked is still on
- I accidentally skipped over the game over screen once by having a button held down still, like getting caught while trying to run away for example
- This is minor but I found it funny how the guy immediately jumps to taze you the moment you walk in the front door, feels like he should just tell you to go away unless you ignore him and go in deeper into the building or approach from the inside
Performance was generally smooth, I've only found one issue that I was able to replicate consistently: on level 2, I kept getting a heavy stuttering during the time the reinforcment countdown is active.
Options I've found sufficient, being able to separately change mouse sensitivity for different views is nice.
Although speaking of mouse look, aiming felt off and inconsistent. Most of the time I ended up using the turret view with V which felt a bit better, even in situations where the regular view would be preferable. For the combat, it felt like the turret turns too slow for how fast everyone moves around. Combine that with the weird inconsistent sensitivity most of my winning strategy was to just ram myself against enemies and shoot them point blank, letting the shield soak up the damage and trade out, which I imagine is not the intended way to play. I also wish projectile effects would be more visible, most of the time I was not sure where my shot ended up and what happened unless I landed a good hit and saw the enemy tank blowing up.
Apart from the turret, controlling the tank itself felt nice and responsive, though generally weightless. I've also come across a lot of time the tank jittering on slopes, sometimes sliding off to the side when I park on a slope sideway and sometimes not (my guess is the sliding down occurs when parking on edges of two slop faces?). The tanks also do this weird bounce whenever you ram against something, which also makes them feel too weightless.
I like the looks of the tanks, the environment is pretty sparse which I imagine is due to it being early on developement. My only issue with the visuals was that both alive and dead infantry looks the same from a distance, though I understand those are only placeholders.
Sounds seem fine, only thing that would be nice if the reload sound would be a bit more loud - it gets easily drown out in gunfire and for guns with longer cooldowns would be a good audio clue addition on when you are ready to shoot again.
The UI is good, never felt like I was missing anything, just need to pretty it up, could even go unique tank icons for each tanks if you want to be really fancy.
Even though by the end I felt like it was dragging on a little, the tutorial did end up being very useful, especially once I had to face off against heavier tanks. The only thing that was awkward was having to use Enter to progress with the messages, since generally one hand is at the left of your keyboard and the other is on the mouse. Maybe space and/or one of the mouse buttons would be better.
For the guns balance, I ended up relying on the 47mm cannon as the autocannon, while can shoot fast doesn't really have a pucn to reliably hit enemies. The 90mm is quite a spectacle but way too limiting to be useful - giving it at least some amount of vertical only aiming could go a long way. I also wish that my weapon setup would've been saved between sessions, every time I botted the game up again expecting to have the 47mm only to have to go back to the menu because it kept the default autocannon.
Interesting premise, and really liking how the game is presented and looks. Fixed camera angles are nice so far, haven't got confused from them in the current content.
Tank controls! Been a while since I played a game that leaned heavily into instead of just offering it as an option for nostalgia's sake. That being said, the dodge, especially the sideways dodge feels a little weird - can't prepare holding left/right before pressing dodge since that makes you turn so you'll end up turning 90% and just dodging into the arrow anyway, have to press both buttons at once which felt awkward and took some getting used to.
Still, after that something kept throwing me off until I realized that melee and ranged attacks operate on different rules: for melee you have to dodge immediately when the yellow mark is up or you won't have enough time to get away, and for ranged you need to wait until it turns red or the enemy keeps tracking you through the dodge. I feel like it might be better if in both situations yellow would allow you to dodge.
Still, this definitely looks interesting and curious where it'll go in the future.
I really like the aesthetics and the presentation, and there are some good variety in the environments there. Especially the weird "wobblyness" of the shader you're using, and the weirdness some of what I'm assuming is screenspace UV. Despite how strange the areas are there are some good variety in them, and they have some really good ideas that make them distinct enough.
My first impression is that the game wants to be unapologetic in it's presentation where most things are left for the player to figure out, though I haven't found much, as most areas had nothing apart from enemies or the occasional cutscene, which I assume is because of the early stage of developement (or perhaps I just missed them). Still, with some similarly unapologetic mechanics (since combining as an option already exists) it definitely could be very interesting.
The only issue I've found is sometimes leaving an area didn't stop it's music and kept playing over the new area's theme. Also, personally I didn't like the voiceover in the cutscenes - with how mundane they are (in the literal sense) it felt like they were clashing with the overall delivery.
The weapons that are in this level feel strong and good, the shotgun especially - I don't remember it being so strong before, but it's a lot of fun to use now. As before, the harpoon/chainsaw is a really fun gimmick still.
Level design is good, only complaint that all of the corridords look the same with the same angled ceiling so the map can get confusing at times. Also feels like it's experimenting with colored lights but they look pretty weak at the moment. From what I remember Unity's default lighting is terrible for retro-feeling colored lights so might want to experiment with custom shaders or changing the default lighting calculation.
For the new gun, it needs to be chambered with OPERATE before you can shoot, which in hindsight is something that definitely needs a better explanation. The revolver is still in too, just have to find it. The intro sequence is a rough first draft at the moment (so that there's some introduction), and I do want to expand it later - and there are definitely plans for the dude in the darkness as well.
Thanks for trying out the demo, glad you enjoyed it despite the difficulties!
Still very good. While the new level is more linear than the other two, it has a decent pace. I feel like the particles form the mech's plasma could disappear a bit faster, their shots become a blurry mess of blue, especially in the city levels. I also had an issue where a mech shot inside one of the buildings, with the projectile hitting the inside of the wall/collision box that was next to me and got hit by the splash damage.
Solid game! Like the art style, the rewiring is an interesting concept that's pretty fun to use and allows you to do a bunch of interesting things. 4 HP feels a bit forgiving compared to Hotline Miami, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Only issue I've found is that when you die you can still move around as the game restarts, which was confusing at first until I realized what's happening, and the limited range of the projectlies kept throwing me off.
Mouse sensitivity is way too low, wish there was an option to change it. There are interesting concepts here (like the status effects being as stong as they are), most of the weapons feel too same-y and you basically play the same way regardless of what you wield, with the numbers being the only difference (exception being the poison dagger). I couldn't find any use for mana yet but I assume that's not yet implemented. I like the style the game is going for visually, but the mix of nearest and linear filtering looks weird.
I like what it's going for, just need a bit more complexity and variety in gameplay and maybe even different builds/playstyles.
It's obviously very early, and I like the concept of a mission based tank game a lot, but it didn't come through to me if it's supposed to be more arcadey or more realistic. The tank at the moment feels like it's made out of paper and doesn't have much weight to it. It also twitches along inclines. Having to switch with 1 and 2 between aiming and not feels awkward, wish it was tied to the right mouse button (either as a toggle or as hold). Hitting enemies also doesn't have much juice to them at the moment - from what I understood it simulates the various components but with little to no feedback it's not clear when a hit pens or not and how much damage it does.
Still, there's potential here, so looking forward to where it goes!