I like the premise, alien color palette and enviromental puzzles (?), it reminded me somewhat La Mulana. Still, even on easy the game isn't easy. I found the secret, gave the yellow fruit to the primitive man, found two fruits in the wild and managed to kill the red swordman, but he's tough!
I'm not a fan of the limited air control while jumping. It's awkward, especially when dealing with the white square puzzle. Hidden room with husk - he offers me a spikeball for 35 coins, and I managed to scrape 9 at most. Leveling up heals you but doesn't increase your health meter - I'm kinda disappointed with it. Also it feels like every new screen can kill you with new and creative ways. Laser puzzle is tough - please put a save point before it? Going all the way from the starting point to there or to the red castle is really draining my will.
Overall good attempt, but ease up with the difficulty!