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A member registered Nov 29, 2015 · View creator page →

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Ficou meio dificil de entender de onde leva hit e o jogo realmente fica repetitivo depois de um tempo (os upgrades demoram para aparecer e não stackam) mas a apresentação está otima

Thanks for the answer, I was just making sure that I'm not breaking any rules

Just to clarify, is it okay to submit a game that wasn't developed during the time of the jam? I'm developing a game, and I think this could be a good place to receive feedback.

Algum dia

Puzzle.PY community · Created a new topic Bugs

Se encontrar algum bug, reporte aqui.

Gostei dos graficos e da trilha sonora, o jogo tem charme. A gameplay é um pouco lenta mas facil de entender.

Tentei jogar mas não entendi o que tem que fazer, eu interagi com um objeto e o jogo fechou.

Obrigado por jogar, o controle do clima aparece logo após o chefe

Jogo lançado!


Found, thanks!

Sorry, but I received the $5 on clickstore but i won't get any clickteam fusion key.
(I already searched in my email)
and if possible, i want a steam key.

Very weird game!  I love the style.

Ty bro :)

Weirder Stuff 2 community · Created a new topic Jam Period

Will be only two days?

Awesome, dude!

Remembers Hotline Miami

Thanks for the feedback! and you can fast up the turn sliders by pressing space.

Great game!

(1 edit)

OK, thanks for the reply.

I want to participate in the month long contest, what i need to do?

Wow, again...

Your game looks awesome too!

The same thing on my game, nobody wants to vote.