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You need to download ALL of the creatures related to this thing in order to have a completed Anarchy Mhaj'tha Pack.

First Phase Behavior:

Stays completely still for most of the time, shaking the arena / rotating it every now and then to screw with the player.

The leeches and sizzlers work just like Normal Mode Mhaj'tha's.

the Sprayers will only turn on every now and then.

Second Phase Behavior:

Movement patterns are just like a Buginis species, After a set amount of time, it will switch to an AI similar to an Advena, and after that same time limit, it will switch back.

How it spawns it's minions in this phase is through the walls of the arena itself, giving a purpose to those holes in the Bone Balls.

But ALSO from it's own head.

And it spawns way more minions than in the first phase.

Minion Behaviors:

Offense Minions:

Will take on an AI similar to angered Buginis.

Defense Minions:

Will stay near Mhaj'tha, only attacking when the player comes too close.
If the player exits the range, the minion will run back to Mhaj'tha.

Support Minions:

1 of these spawn with each Defense minion, 2 for each Offense.
They will stay close to the minion that they spawned with.
If the player swims too close to the minion that they are guarding, All of the minions in the group will immediately attack, Sizzler-ing the player over and over again, buying the other minions time to kill the player.

Upon death:

Summons 100 minions ALL AT ONCE, hoping to completely OBLITERATE even the toughest players.
Boss reward only drops when ALL minions are killed, to prevent nutrition stealing. After all, The player would not like to get even more frustrated when a stupid little sh** takes the nutrition blobs for himself, after the player destroyed an already rage-inducing boss, forcing him to refresh the map and perform it all over again...

This won't be the ONLY time you'll see an Anarchy Mode boss...

P.S, I know you're already like "that's going to be too hard", but THIS IS ANARCHY MODE!!! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!!!