Thanks for the reply.
1. Thanks for taking it into consideration.
2. I agree with you.
3. Please do. I'm sure many players will play it more than once. And after their first or second playthrough, they are bound to aim for the best results. I'm not saying all secret stats need to be visible. But in my opinion, Economy, Religion, Social and Country Scores are similar to Relation Score, and Army Stats as they are only beneficial if you are trying to optimize.
4. As for people thinking that this game is a grindfest, I've seen developers putting "No Grinding" as a feature of their game. You should also do it since the game has almost no grind.
5. I was also wondering if you plan on reworking the battle screen (Like how "Hero and Daughter+ has a custom Battle Screen). If so, please consider putting an "End Turn" button. Having the turn end after selecting a move for the last combatant has caused me some frustrations due to miss clicking or changing my mind at the last moment.