gg getting better at b3 (it's been less than 24h since I stared using it) idk how I'm managing these kds
It's not a great kd but like i play on a phone and it's my first day so like... /Insert more excuses for being bad at the game
oh yeah wattle i saw ds so ty very much
Np :D
it's good..I try to get a general kd of 4/1, so this is good to me
nice!! You really do not want to see my kid on my first b3 game :|
Yes we do llol
Eh ok…I think it was 11 kills 53 deaths… ;/
Aight i passed out
Uff ikrrr
I do want to see it
I got my ass whooped that round
X was u?
Yeah? Didnt i say?
Um no
Nice kd