Good little (but big size) visual story/game 😉
A nearly 2 GB game is usually not downloaded as often in a game jam. Downloadable games generally get played less frequently than web games, especially with this file size. Keep that in mind There wasn't much to do in the game as gameplay except watch and listen, so it felt more like a visual story. However, this was well done, especially once you realize the true meaning behind it. Maybe some more gameplay would have been nice to have.
Visually, the game looked top-notch with the Unreal Engine. Objects were beautifully detailed and sharp, and the effects were well done.
The voice acting was done well, and the audio combined with the visuals really created an eerie feeling, giving a sense that something was not quite right.
Halloween was incorporated. However, I found it harder to recognize the "You Are the Monster" theme in the game.
Overall it was an emotional experience and that was well done. Keep it going like that 💪