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I really like punchout so this was very fun game. I really like the mechanic of red stars becouse i didnt recognise them on start but when i realized game came easier and it like old games to have kinda secret mechanic. Just like punchout have some. Ur trying with textures were good too. I cant say they were amazing but thats still better than me, and i respect for trying to go designs like that. Only bad i can say  from gameplay are the punching what was spamming k and l that fast my fingers start hurting lol. It would be fun to see this game with more enemies too because now it has very lack of variety but i understand the timelimit. Overall good game. (make better art for photos so u get more wiews)

-not intentional bugs i found(not bad thigns just saying)

The enemy punching sounds contiunes after u are dead

(yeah i dont found others not intentional bugs)

Thanks for the feedback man, I appreciate it. My fingers hurt too from playing too long so I get your complaint :D