Hey hey! Glad you think it looks worth checking out :3
Unfortunately, even though I would really love to have this and all of my other projects on Android, I just don't know how to get them to work on Android T_T
I tried in the past, but every build I made just resulted in my phone displaying a blank screen even though the software told me the builds were successful :(
I don't really know what went wrong, so I'm either gonna need someone to teach me how to do it right, or try again sometime now that I have a different PC and hope that I can get it to work at some point x3
I think it would take quite a lot of time because not only do I need to figure out how to make builds playable on Android, but I'd likely also need to adapt the UI to work better on a mobile screen >.<
So while it's something I definitely want to do in the future, it's not likely to be any time soon since I don't know how right now :(
I'm sorry that's not very helpful >.< A few people have mentioned that some of my games work on emulators on Android phones, but as far as I'm aware, they don't run that smoothly on emulators and can crash randomly. I just thought I'd mention it in case it's something you wanted to try.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I really appreciate your interest in the game though :3