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(2 edits)

It's the lack of the tutorial and level design skills... At the beginning, the wall-jump is bugged, and (almost) only executable if done on one side, multiple times.

If you meant the gap, where you can fall down, the jump is also bugged, and executable mid-air.

Your kind words mean a lot to me! :)

I could do that if I had a wall to jump onto ^^

I can't get passed the very first gap on the second screen. There's no wall for me to jump onto.

Oh, there:

fall, then jump

because it is bugged, it works. :)

Alright, I noticed what happened ^^

Even with that technique, I can't get over the gap. However, while recording a video for you to see, I had a small lag spike, and the character suddenly jumped way higher than it usually does.

Here's my theory : You seem to have made a mistake in the jump impulse. It doesn't take or incorrectly take into consideration the deltaTime between each frame. I have a pretty decent computer, and my framerate is pretty high. Due to that, it seems like the jump doesn't go high enough. With less framerate, I could jump higher.

Hopefully I'll be able to play a fixed version soon :-)


Here's the video :!AiU1u7az8WOK7WXG4EhCpHqdZz1S?e=hphag7

Notice the lag spike at about 25 seconds, and the considerably higher jump.

Oh, I see what you mean. I'm terribly sorry for this, I had no idea it happened there! I'll try and fix it.

(3 edits)

Thank you so much, for taking your time explaining me, what the problem is. As soon as I saw you jump height (which is about the half of the intentional one), I realized, that the problem is not what I expected it to be. I did not multiply gravity by delta. (Not using rigid bodies, this can happen...)

If you are still interested, it should be fixed by now. :)

Again thank you a lot! Without you I would not have realized this!

(On that note, different endings still don't work in the HTML version.)


I did play the fixed version :)

Indeed, now I can finally get past that gap, heh. Wall jumping worked just fine for me.

Gamplay was smooth. I just wish that you could attack while in the air. I also think that the moving platform, even when fixed, doesn't really manage to 'grab' the player along with it, when moving in th y axis.

Finally, I think that for the bug 'Dead bugs will kill you', you should really put a sprite there. Perhaps a dead bug, a wormhome or a glitchy square, anything. It just feels weird and a bit unfair when you get killed by something invisible.

Still overall, the game lets itself play, and I did finish it. Congratulations ! :-)

(2 edits)

I wanted to do that... But I didn't have time and now I'm not allowed to change it (other than game-breaking bugs).

The invisible bugs still have shadow, though.

Also, thank you for putting up with this, and playing it nonetheless! It make me really happy! :)