This game is fun as shit and I really like the clashing art-styles. I played the 3 campaign missions and thought they were a pretty good introduction, the idea of unlocking new units by taking objectives was dope and reminds me of the warcraft 3 campaign mission where you hire mercenaries. Unit variety is nuts and I cant think of an RTS archetype that didnt get some kind of representation (except maybe capturer/converter). I got my ass caved in playing invasion mode until I figured out I had to use the envoy to scout for gates or else id get overwhelmed quickly. past a certain point I wasnt able to find them fast enough even with multiple units scouting which made me wish they were just marked on the map. without a "your forces are under attack!" indicator or a "zoom to latest event" hotkey i ended up panning around a lot to find shit was going wrong that I had no idea about. The pace of invasion mode was a lot more fun than conquest imo.
Overall very nice