This is a very charming game. The sprite work is very well done! The use of sukonbu giving you buffs is also a very good idea and encourages exploration which is very nice. A lot of people have brought up the blind jumps and I have to agree. There were a lot of instances where because of the camera I couldn't see where I was going and got hit by enemy I couldn't see. The lack of iframes also got me a couple of times since I would think I would be invincible and not move after getting hit, only to lose like half my health.
Very small detail but Fubuki's sprite is slightly floating off the ground (likely because her collision box is bigger than the sprite lol.
Also, I feel like Kurokami's attacks were not telegraphed at all. Like she would always be in her idle pose, except for that big triple projectile attack which would play the animation of her hitting the ground after all the projectiles were already out. This was especially a problem with the dash attack, since it made it so I would basically only be able to use the gun since I'd have no idea when she would use the dash or when she would just teleport to the red sparkles.
At the end it said I had no buffs from sukonbu after I beat her, even though I got a bunch from the earlier levels. It also gave me a clear time of 0 for stage 2 and the boss, so idk maybe its a visual bug. Or maybe I beat Kurokami with no buffs at all. idk what its supposed to say but it would be nice if it displayed what buffs you had from sukonbu when you beat Kurokami
Final thing might just be my laptop being a potato but I'd randomly get lag spikes sometimes and if knockback was applied to either me or the enemy they'd just go flying. I even clipped into the walls of the castle stage once.
But yeah this was a fun game to play through and I'd really enjoy seeing more stages with this kind of movement and combat. Cool stuff!