After experimenting for a few days, I think I've come up with more questions than answers
- With the two plaques I don't have, I noticed one of the outlines was similar to the computer aesthetic, which makes me wonder if there is more to the computer than the code number and the Ashford easter egg
- With the Ashford easter egg, it emphasized running the maze after the numbers, so I assume that the maze would be after the numbers
- I don't understand the Last Tuesday June 43(I assume it has to do with 1943 and the possible family day alphabetic code)
- While experimenting with the game I went out of bounds in the hallway "The Start" shows, and found a note that I couldn't pick up. I assume that's a bug.
- It's sort of good to know that I have about half of what I need (I just have to figure out what that half I need is, and what half you mentioned)