1. I have played numerous Visual Novels in the past, notable examples I'd highlight like: https://cockhole.itch.io/9-22
and https://90percentstudios.itch.io/purrfect-apawcalypse trilogy. and was in the middle of https://radicalphi.itch.io/angels-with-scaly-wings
2. I mean, I think maybe I just forgot it was primarily a 'Porn' game and maybe set my standards too high for a NSFW/Adult game in a way. My bad.
3. Ooh, I would be ignorant of this, honestly. I did not read up its original document ahead of time.
4. :)
5. Not an issue but I genuinely appreciate the concern from you. I do wanna of course see what kind of future has in store for Mal0, of course.
So I missed - Beans - did I. mb...