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Neco The Sergal

A member registered Jul 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Gave it a Let's Play, there's promise, rough around the edges but good for a demo/alpha. All my jokes/feedback and criticisms below :P

Gave it a Let's Play and, the Post-Jam is definitely in rough shape more than I was expecting, especially since the gun Unloads itself every time you move forward :( 

Gave it a Let's Play, just Night 1 but had fun, wanting to see what other 'Veils' exist, gameplay provided and 'witty commentary' below 

Gave it a Let's Play, it was quite a massive experience and a ride that kept me guessing, though, the story did throw me for a loop. 

I thought the MC was a 'Twin' and since the game was so secretive with the firefighters name I thought he was more involved with the Turners, was that intentional?? I'm curious to see what improvements and horror stories you have in the future.

Gave it a whirl and provided some gameplay/commentary and some feedback/criticisms that I hope helps, gameplay/video provided below :) 

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Gave it a quick LP - Enjoyed it but I always go out hoping for something More - like More expressions of skeletal sass!

I already did, but I'll mute your account anyways because children who spam are annoying to me as well.

Gave it an extremely comedic yet serious Let's Play, definitely worth the money, I hope my reactions to Mike and others are especially gold for some people. 

Gave it a Let's Play, I gave a lot of feedback/criticisms and hope to see you improve and get better at this craft.

Gave the game a Let's Play, all gameplay, critique and my sense of humor in the video below. The game had good attention to detail for a game of this size I'd argue - 

Gave the game a Lets Play, comedy, commentary and entertainment within

Gave it a Lets Play 

Take your time and I hope it's entertaining or useful when you're able to watch :)

Gave it a friendly Let's Play - I'm gonna assume the prototype ends after dying but I kept trying anyways just incase xD. Gameplay and commentary within.

Gave it a Let's Play, been enjoying it while bringing in some humor to the table, have to see how it all ends still- 

Gave it a Let's Play, hope the feedback helps and the commentary is a bit amusing! 

I enjoyed playing this and I love 'Cooking horror games', hope to see more horror games from you, this was very competently made.  Hope my video is funny to anyone.

Not a problem, I'll have a vid up at some point soon of my experiences, hope it helps improving in any way.

The environments are good and the setup - but, the 2nd portion of the game isn't as 'fun'? I couldn't find the 'key' to escape/to the door next to the elevator, the doors kept breaking/letting me walk through them sometimes - eventually the Locked door just opened itself while still telling me it was locked and, upon trying to enter, fell through into the void through the floor.

I checked the closet, the room I got the flashlight in, the room you start in after the 'explosion' and the cafeteria-looking area and found/saw no key or anything shiny or anything relevant, played for 30-40 minutes and stopped after falling into the void. The doors are an absolute PAIN in the ass to try to open because of hit fickle and OCD on where they want you to be or stand before it acknowledges you 'hit E' (maybe 50 times). The doors can Shove you around and just are a nightmare to interact with.

Last feedback, the game lacks ambience while that monster/zombie thing was chasing me forever.

I can see potential but, mostly in the first half of the game with how the environments looked in attention to detail, 'imo'. Looping hallways in the 2nd portion, I wouldn't say I got lost, but, I used the flashlight on all the goop on the floor until there was no 'goop' either, still couldn't find a way to progress, unfortunately.

Gave it a Let's Play, got the Bad and Good Ending, are there others? I presume the codes elude to one, but not sure. My gameplay has lots of feedback and commentary, hope the dev and viewers enjoy. 

I'm sure you got this in the bag.

Good potential here, though a whole bunch of the rooms don't allow sounds of the anomaly to be heard behind the doors, making it a bit unfair with predicting the timing of where the creature is when inside class rooms - otherwise, knowing its a '0.1', good stuff as usual.

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New Let's Play since I first played this game back in 2017! How many others have played it?... 

Gave it a Let's Play for the 1.2 update, gameplay and feedback within! 

Gave it a Let's Play, it was quite a whacky adventure, I hope I found all the endings but otherwise, great stuff for a first game! Hope my adventure through it all is just as entertaining. 

Gave it a Let's Play, lots of jokes and feedback/observations (some aimed at the developer) - Got all endings and have my thoughts on that too, hope it is enjoyable and hope to see more horror - 

Gameplay provided, interesting game and potential that reminds me much of It Steals (In a good way) 

Gave it an LP, will release gameplay soon, wanted to say quickly that I thought it was a good entry for a 'first horror attempt', clearly inspired largely from IT STEALS - I did enjoy that game by Zeekers, and its a good way of starting off, arguably. Simple, but effective like IT STEALS. Keep it up, Smile, if you like horror, don't lose face and hopefully you continue enjoying to make horror.

Video will come later w/ commentary/feedback.

Gave the Demo a Playthrough, I thought I lost this footage when I recorded it literally March 29th, lots of feedback for you on my thoughts on the game (At least Demo-wise).

Gave it a Lets Play, difficult but well made 

Take your time and just make what feels like a good livable mansion, basically my expectations :p Whatever feels cool to you.

Gave it a Let's Play and gave lots of feedback/critique for the dev. There's good potential here! The glass panel and interactable things like with the key + cabinet need to be better though, the rest we have to wait and see - 

Uploaded my Let's Play, hope the developer likes the commentary and feedback and that it's funny/entertaining for all, good promise in this dev! (and thats not ass-kissing, trust) - 

Gave it a Let's Play, was comically becoming a bit too prophetic with my jokes I think. Was short, bit cliched when compared to other fishing horrors but still well presented.

Made a recording but wanted to give my quick/rapid feedback of fixes that'd be needed

You can cheese the ending Chase sequence by going towards the monsters square-chase room and letting him go down the hallway first, since he doesn't have pathfinding to You but the end of the hallways.

I soft-locked my game in my 2nd playthrough looking for the secret ending but saw I could 'skip cutscene' while using the camcorder/looking back at the spiral-staircase recording and it made everything break/go black.

I found out you could also regrab the camcorder to re-look at the footage in the process and Not exit out of it (Which is what lead me to the mistake above, not wanting to re-roam the section and hoping I could just put the camcorder footage down.

There's a chance I'd argue that the secret is within looking at one of the video footages a 2nd time to see if somethings changed unless that's simply an oversight.

Otherwise, my video will contain my feedback/criticisms (and praise :P) Hope to see more.

Gave it a Let's Play, gameplay provided below, contains my mellow commentary and feedback, I was playing version 0.7 as an fyi for incase the game improves a lot :)

I played the game and will be uploading a video but my first feedback is especially, the Radio volume is ungodly quiet, make sure the car, Master volume and other things are properly balanced so we hear what we need to hear in the game, the radio noise is whisper-quiet though, I'd rather hear immersive in-world music through it during quiet moments and whatever the radio commentary was talking about but at proper volume levels - and increase the Rear view mirror size perhaps? It's too thin, give us a bit more verticality to the mirrors size. I strongly suggest some form of checkpoints but nothing overly merciful but my last death was going down a hill and 'drowning' instantly in some puddle of green water then sent straight back to the main menu - Was my 3rd/4th death and redoing the first 4 steps became a bit much as I was hoping to beat the game after 42 minutes, so some checkpoints would be nice!

Lastly, and ignore if it'd break the game but - any chance of making the vehicle go a bit faster? 13-25kmph became dreadful due to the repetition / lack of checkpoints.

Gave it a Let's Play, lots of feedback/thoughts and ideas provided within (And especially always in my outro), there's a good deal of potential in this, though I'd argue the Demo Retro Game maybe lasted too long? Unsure how others feel about its duration but looking forward to the full thing.