In Horror mode when Mr. Fun Computer is muted, when the beat restarts his Normal mode sprite flashes for a frame. I know it isn't much but still a bug.
I'm afraid you are mistaken, dear fellow. You see, from what I've last heard, which is very recently by the way, the phenomenon you have described is actually supposed to be a feature, labeled as an "Easter egg" referring to the Wiki. Honestly, I think such a mistake doesn't deserve a punishment, if anyone where to punish you by any means. I thought this was a bug as well, at first, before checking the Wiki page to see if anyone had even heard of it, and what do you know, it's is labeled as an Easter egg according to the Wiki. What a nice touch!
Honestly, I wouldn't have changed a thing if I were given the opportunity to other than increasing the amount of Polos the game will allow and adding a few original characters, regardin mods. I am sure the whole "normal mode sprite appearing for a second" was part of the original game. I think it's quite nice to have it in there, as a little reminder that someone actually cared enough to insert a little secret ment to be discovered. Who would've thought? Well, apparently, it's about half the total amount game developers who truly even try. This guy included.
All in all, you're wrong, and there's nothing wrong with that.