I'm staying quiet for now, but the redheaded leather jacket wearer does have a thing or two for when you resist him~ Just be careful not to push his buttons too much XD Also, I gotta admit, I’m not quite sure what you meant by the comment about the endings/story progression. Could you clarify?
On the same note, the endings for certain characters might change depending on how the editing goes! For example, one character could have 1 bad, 1 neutral, and 1 good ending, or maybe just 2 bad and 1 neutral— it's still a bit up in the air (cause some of them, based on their routes, don't deserve a good ending ngl). But hey, everyone’s guaranteed to have at least one bad ending LOL equality at its finest.
I Hope it’s clearer lmao ☠️ But then I think the scenario 2 is the more accurate one since in the extra menu both the bad ends are in the ending section unlike the good « end »
Ooooh, now I get what you mean! And I have to say, the tables are awesome btw! ^^ Yep, it's gonna be scenario 2—Sev’s definitely gone for good in the bad endings, no coming back from that HAH!
The story will pick up right where the demo ends, with Shyloh saving you, followed by some extra scenes, and finally, you’ll fall into one of the character routes~~