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I love it! It's great, love the voice over! It looks great too! Very good work. I love the subtle details like hearing you flipping through papers and stuff, adds alot!

I found this game very entertaining and it even made me crack up a few times!

It's weird that this game has so few ratings, more people need to play this for sure. Of all the games I've played these two days (I've played like 20 - 30 so far), this is hands down in my top 2. There was one other game that also blew me away but this is a close second.

One little note though: After I've entered the collider that triggers the voiceover to start playing, you should remove the collider or disable it. Now I can accidentally go back and forth to restart the voiceover over and over again. So maybe destroy the collider after the voiceover has started or maybe just start the voiceover as the scene is loaded?

Also to make it even better (it's already great) you could add maybe subtitles to make it look more proffesional, most games with voiceocer lines have subtitles. Also you should have more lines that play when the player dies and has to restart so you don't have to hear the same ones over and over again. Now when you die it's like time rewinds, but i think it would fit better if it was just a failed attempt and the voice commented on the failure like: "Hey, I know it's a bit trickier than it should be but just try to get through. I can't have my boss knowing about this." Or some other random line when you die.

But overall this game is great!

Thank you so much for all of your kind words and constructive criticism! I will definitely benefit from your suggestions!