Battle System Update:
Ok, There probably still needs to be some more test in order to bug test it, but the Orange roulette system is now in place! There will be no more Buckshot roulette inspiration. Also Might change the title of this Devlog.
Weapon Update:
I probably don't need to really say this since I haven't talked about it in a while. But whatever. Do any of you remember when I talked about a gun that would get stronger the more you shoot yourself. I was thinking of calling it "Sniper Rifle", but I may or may not be getting rid of it. I'd rather have the Double Barrel Shotgun be the strongest weapon and also it sucks to see an opponent just shoot themselves a lot and then do massive damage to you /:
It's the same reason I got rid of Supers.
However I'm thinking of another weapon idea. It's sort of an opposite to the shotgun. It does only 1 damage instead of the revolvers 2 damage. It's called the "Silenced Pistol." What do you think? Much like how the shotgun is for players who are confident in winning, the silenced pistol will be for players who aren't confident. ALSO, it can be for people who find the Plasma Cutter to be an annoying item.
Item Update:
Red flag will no longer get rid of a round. It will instead skip it. Also I'll be declaring Red Flag as an echo Item to Eye Card. I mean The Red Flag is basically just an Eye Card except it skips the round.
There's a slight problem. When making Items, weapons, etc., I noticed a slight problem. I was making these with the OG battle system in mind. Now that I changed it, I need to rethink some of them, to see if they still work with this new battle system I'm proposing. It's what happened to Red Flag. I'll need some time to think. I'm starting to realize that things don't work as well with this new game mode. I hope I don't get rid of anything, I'm thinking of getting rid of Double barrel shotgun, but lets see if it survives if I change some things about it.