you include things like: abusive relationship, stalking, manipulation, and gaslighting
you can make it semi-hidden (and reveal it via click) on your itch page if you're comfortable with a bit of HTML. or you can set it up so at the start of your game it has the options to start or view the content warnings. this will keep the game spoiler free while letting the people who want to know more going in or make sure the game is right for them be prepared.
as for why it's necessary -- some of these topics can be triggering for people who've experienced similar things or been exposed to them.
as an example, i've had multiple instances of people messaging me when i didn't want to speak with them (and couldn't block or ignore them due to social reasons, like working together). i would receive messages from them semi-frequently and felt (due to a lot of complicated reasons) that i needed to reply even when i was uncomfortable and didn't want to be talking to them. i felt coerced into continuing the conversations based on the situation and what was said in the messages (often very emotionally manipulative things). you can't really get away from an online chat--it can find you anywhere; it's wherever your phone is. i experienced high amounts of stress during these periods and a lot of anxiety around the chats (wondering can i end this?, how can i do that?, will it cost me future opportunities?, etc.).
when playing through your game, it brought up a lot of feelings and memories from this time. while overall it was fine (my mental health is in a better place now), i would have appreciated knowing some of these topics would be touched on before starting the game. it would have allowed me to prepare myself more and feel less ambushed by the topics the game touches on.
i still had a good time playing it! but with content warnings, i could have made sure to engage with the game during a time i was comfortable dealing with those topics. and the resurgence of the memories wouldn't have been as strong, since it wouldn't have caught me so of guard.