Hi! I have been learning how to make games for 4 and half years. I made a lot of games but i seem to be stuck in a loop of working for a year in a project and then i can't finish it. I get bored of it and i am always running out of scope. Well i hope it's time to end this cycle. That's why i entered the game jam. This is my First gamejam!!! i was a little bit anxious to join one for all those years,in general i work completely alone and that's not good ^^ In general i love playing games! i grew up with every Nintendo console and a PC,i draw huge inspiration from Nintendo games. I am focusing a lot on gameplay and the character feeling,after that goes the atmosphere and the level design. I am not that much into narrative and cinematic experiences. I really like simplicity and i don't want to drive the attention of the player away from the gameplay. Well that's some general stuff! :D i hope you like the game!