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See the top submissions of the jam.🎥(video)

A topic by Believing-Gamedev created Jan 19, 2020 Views: 2,403 Replies: 89
Viewing posts 1 to 83
(4 edits) (+2)

Hey there jammers,

it's Phil and I made a video with the best games from this jam.
Therefore I've asked jammers to submit their game in this post and tell something about themself.

Here is the final video enjoy 😉


Great! More opportunities for people to show off their games are always welcome. Thank you! :)



Here's a link to my submission:

I'm an aspiring game developer who's been working on games in Unity for about 5 months now. I tried participating in a game jam back in September but I didn't manage to finish the game on time. This time I finished way before the deadline and I think I even made my best game to date!

With this jam I was first a little bit afraid that I wouldn't come up with any good ideas. I spent the first 4 hours trying out different concepts, all of which I later on scrapped. Then I got the idea of a boss battle where the boss can change the game in buggy ways such as teleportation and removing objects. I really liked that idea and then I just worked like a madman to get the game to be balanced and enjoyable with the boss having different phases etc.

I'm really proud of what I have accomplished this weekend, and I even learned some new things, such as making healthbars and fading out objects.

Overall I had a great time. It's a very nice change from just doing Unity courses everyday where you work on a long big project, to making a quick and engaging minigame over a weekend.

I will subscribe and patiently wait for you video!


I'm Chadderbox and I have been doing GameDev lightly for 1 year (exactly, my unity 1 year licence ran out today, so I had to restart it). My favourite games are Portal 2 and Titanfall 2 (Maybe a bit of inspiration from both of those here).

I only had about a day to actually do this jam as I am very busy, hence why the game is only 8 levels long. From what short time I have had interacting with the community here though, everyone is really nice, and Jonas helped me with the colour scheme of the game too, when I was struggling.


My game's link is :

I'm a guy who calls himself Deex for some reason on the internet. I'm making games for 2-3 years now and this my 3rd game jam and my 2nd finished game. I'm not really proud of this one for the 600 billion bugs it has, but hey, that was the jam's topic! I went for something simple with this one, so I would have a bunch of time to add glitches, bugs, exploits. Because of this I completed the game really fast, but still felt the insane ammount of pressure. 

Hope, you will try it out! :D


Here is a link to my submission

This is my first game jam and it has really been a great experience.  I tried making a relaxing puzzle platformer. The discord server has been nice to be on and talk to the other people. I call my self Lheyl, pronounced el-hey-l. I've been making games for 3 years. I only started using unity about 1.5 years ago. I started by learning JavaScript and coding games in the web from scratch. I completed the core of my submission pretty quick and added levels and extra items after that. I only used inks cape and unity for creating my games. I borrowed the sound effects and music form the wowie game jam pack.  The only real bug is a bug with jumping which makes some levels easier if you figure it out. Also you have to abuse the checkpoint system to beat most of the later levels. I'm really proud of what I accomplished and it is the best game I have made yet! I will definitely watch the video and hope my game gets in it.


Hey, another Bug Bot!


Hello! I'm Kade, I've been doing game dev for about 1 year, since I was 14, and this is my first ever game jam! :D

I had a lot of fun making a game in a short amount of time, though it was pretty stressful to learn a new program and programming language (pico-8) at the same time as making a game quickly. It took me a while to get the core mechanics in place, but once I did (on the third and final day) it was a blast to add finishing touches such as cutscenes and the map changing colour as your score goes up. I also had a lot more fun than expected creating sound effects, the little chiptune jingles really bought the game to life.

This game jam was a great excuse to try out a new program and expand my programming skills, which I really enjoyed. One of the funnest parts was coming up with a weird wacky little story that fit the theme, as well as coming up with the dung mechanic to make the game more unique than a standard bullet hell.

Thanks a lot for this opportunity, your channel looks super cool, a hidden gem for sure! :) Love the rise in game dev channels as of late, great to listen to while I work on my own games. 


Cool to see another young programmer! Im 14 and this was my sixth game jam and my best one. Ill play your game when I get home! Heres mine if you want to play it.


Awesome, I'll check the game out.

Submitted (2 edits)

Hi Game Devs !

I could try to sell my game here and talk about how good it is but the truth is that you will not realise how good this game is until you try it. I would love to hear any feedback you leave guys.

I made my first game when I was very little with no coding experience whatsoever. The game was made using The Game Factory and unfortunately I don't have any pictures.

Some time later I decided to download Unity and start learning C# to make games work the way I want to.  After almost 2 years of using unity I am here, publishing my first PC game to the big world.



Hey, this is my first game jam and my first ever published game!

I have been programming for over a year now, but I have only started developing games with Unity half a year ago. 

This game jam was a very fun experience for me and allowed me to finally publish something! I will definitely be joining other game jam events in the future, thanks to Jonas.

Submitted (2 edits)

Heres my submission

It's my first time taking part in a jam, and actually finishing a game, wish I had more time to polish, but I had too much homework this weekend

I've been making games for about 3 months but I never finished one


I have been trying to make games since i was 10-11 and now im learning programming at school and this is my first game jam. I always thought im not gonna have enough time, but thats also kinda the point :D


Hello! My name is Jason. I make games as a hobby between raising 5 wonderful children and a full time IT job. I have been doing jam games since Ludum Dare 38 and have completed 1 larger project and am working on another.

My experience for the jam was… not liking the theme and continuing to work on rebuilding a base Character Controller, then on stream throwing out a challenge of ‘what should I make next’ and got suggested to make a pet… out of that came this little ‘fly’ companion AI and then the next day I decided to make a jam game out of it.

I plan on taking this AI farther and use it as part of my bigger game (and probably make it less ‘bug’ like in behavior).


Thanks to everybody who shared his/her your creation so far.
It is so great to hear all your stories and your experiences of the jam.

Don't worry if you don't get your feedback immediatly.
Once the jam is over I will go through all of your games (which might take some time)  and
leave some feedback along the side 😉

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey. I was 16 yo. and I'm intrestsd in game development.

I started learning unity while ago and this is my First Game Jam.

The game is short and do not have some mechanics that I planned to add, but still its playable. (I have been in school on saturday :/)

This is really cool experiace and I'm looking forward to get into more jams and of course make better games. 

Good luck everyone!


Link to the game:

I have been developing games for 6 months now and still have a lot to learn but I think it is a fine game for my first submission ever. Even though there is barely a game here because I also spend a lot of time editing the 17 hours of footage I recorded from this game. :P

The jam was a lot of fun and I also learned new things but in retrospective I have spent way too much time on polishing than on actualy gameplay elements. It's great having a menu, level selection, sound settings and so on, but my game feels empty. (The secrets in every level are actually pretty cool though. hehe)

Good luck to everyone. :)

Submitted (5 edits) (+1)

My game:

Hello, My name is Cena Abachi from Iran, I'm a developer since 2014; my specialist is coding visual arts such as making games without game engines. since 2015 I'm working on making multiplayer .io web games, I have made 6 games in this genre and the last one is called, Its been 20 hours that Ive got my bachelors :D degree and now I have to try hard to find the career of my dreams (indie game dev). I also have a youtube channel called "devlogerio"

This was my first Game jam ever with so much fun, I had a little stress about it because I was working with javascript and every minute I was thinking that maybe I cant even get close to people with game engine experience, but I could manage to deliver my game in time, how ever I don't know if its good or bad yet. I never knew that so many talented people could gathered around this fast, I gotta be around this community more!


Link :

Hello, my name is Stéphane THILL behind the SteelHere name of my self-company. I am a 28 years old Software Engineer and new to and gamejams.

I have been developing games since I was a kid on different software (The Game Factory, RPG Maker, pure C++ games, games on Unity) and I am currently studying game design.

This jam was super cool but the theme (Intentional bugs) was not easy at all. However Jonas made a great video giving axes confirming my understanding on "we are not talking about insects".
I had different ideas :
- A simulation with insects IA creating an anthill. Indeed I think it would be cool but I wanted to try to make a game with bugs.
- A game where there is bug and you can correct them with right items/tools find on the way.
- Finally, I got the idea of a game looking like a well-known game including random bugs and you have to be attentive as you will have to send analyse to the developer on where there were bugs.

It was really cool as I did it all alone from scratch on 1 day and a half but the last day was stressing as I was not sure to finish it. Indeed, the end is botched but it is existing.

Thanks for sharing, if you need me to talk in your video for an interview, I am OK. 

Thank you very much for the possibility to appear in your video.

Submitted (3 edits)

Hey Phil
I'm an illustration student with a strong passion for videogames and white rectangle is my first game jam game.


Here's a link to our game, <Glitch_Dash>

My friend Steve and I made this game together. Some 8 years ago, in elementary school, we'd come up with crazy ideas for huge games. Finally, we were able to make those old dreams come true.  We made this game, finished it, and it is absolutely awesome!

Submitted (2 edits)

Here's our game [The Backend]

Hello from Brazil. My name is Luã and my cousin is called Lucas.
We are participating in a gamejam for the second time, and the game we created this time made us very happy,  we both followed Jonas for a while and we couldn't miss this jam at all.
Our game is about a bug that allows the player to edit the variables of some elements of the game (Cheat Engine kind of stuff),
and the player uses value editing to overcome obstacles on the map AND SAVE THE PRINCESS OF COURSE!
Thanks, hope you like the game.

Submitted - My game DropBlocks! It has an online leaderboard!

My name is Kyle and I've dabbled in game development since 2014. I want to get serious about it so one day I can open up my own game development studio.  This is my 3rd game jam.

My experience with the jam was surprising, actually. I did not realize that this jam was coming up at all even though I am a fan of Jonas. I thought of a game idea and was really excited about it the other day. I saw the jam and figured this would be the perfect time to crank out a prototype for it. I went harder on this jam than I ever have in such a short period of time of game development. I am so glad I pushed myself to do this because it was the first time I had a spark of motivation and saw my idea through a working prototype. My quality may not be the greatest, but I completed something and I'm so happy that I did.


Yee! :>


My game for the jam:

I have been using the godot game engene for 5 months, but have coded maby for a year now. This is my first ever game jam and it was really fun to make a game for the jam. So i think i will join some other jams in the future.


Check out my fun little knockoff experience of a GameBoy, comes with lots of bugs!

Submitted (1 edit)

Dunno if it's better to share the game link or the submission link, but in both you can access the other one so there you go!

My usual pseudonym is Orochii Zouveleki though my username here is muramasa because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I like making games on my free time, sometimes as part of freelance. I've been making games (or should I say, TRYING TO) since I was a kid. I've attended some Global Game Jams and participated in several online jams. This time, even if I did something challenging for me because I suck at C++, I took it way more chill. Didn't even stay up late because of the jam, only because of dumb YouTube videos.

And... yeah, thanks for this. Hope you enjoy this thing. Poured a part of me on it, I guess.

I like this thread btw, everyone giving their introductions. Feels nice.


Here is mine:

i just really enjoy making games and i have been having a blast for about 2 years now. I also made a youtube video where i talk about the process of making the game and what i did in some of the mechanics, here it is:


Play the windows version, Please :)


Here's mine. It's a bit rough and very short but hopefully you like it. I'm a young programmer who hopes to one day make a living off of making video games.

Although I focused less on programming and more on art for this jam to help expand my skill set.


Here is my game:

I'm a german game developer who's actively been making and releasing 2D games for 1.5 years. The thing that kickstarted my interest in game making was probably 2kliksphilips' "The Game Making Journey" video series which lead to me picking up Clickteam Fusion and creating all sorts of different games. At first I published my work on The Daily Click, inspired by 2kliksphilips' videos, before I switched to Construct 2 because of a specific GMTK Game Jam 2019 entry (Block Steady) that was made in it. I was fascinated by the sheer quality of if but the payoff was that I would have to find other ways of getting feedback. Over that time I learned a LOT about game development and I started uploading my games to Newgrounds, Gamejolt and to keep improving my work and maybe even build a small audience.

I have already participated in a few different game jams, alone and in teams, but this time I actually made something I was proud of and I saw how little effect the time had on the games quality. I had a lot of fun making it and I even got quite active in the voice chats which is pretty unusual for me.

Thank you for your giving people this chance and I hope that you will enjoy my game! :)


I've been doing Game Jams since 2018, that's when I discovered Unity and after that I watched many videos(mostly tutorials) on youtube, from brackeys to blackthornprod , GMTK, etc.And I fell inlove with Unity. This is my first wowie game jam and i had fun while making the game. SO MANY BUGS. and it is a weird but enjoyable experience. I will surely participate on future wowie game jams. :>!!


This is my 2nd ever time joining a gamejam. Also my 2nd ever finished game.

Had lots of fun and also learned a lot making it. I hope you enjoy.


My games link:

I'm a game developer from Zimbabwe and have been working with unity since I was 16 (I'm 18 now). I have done a few jams by now but would love some recognition for the hard work I put into my games. Since game development is my passion I always work long and hard on my submissions. My game is a sequel to a prior game of mine. I wanted to do this so I could finally take the feedback I received on the first one and try to make my game better. I am hoping to become an indie game developer when I leave school as it would be my dream job.

Thanks for reading :)


Hey! I'm a game developer and youtuber with 2k subs, I am new into the game development, (6 months) and I am learning a lot from making games to game jams! If you could try this out on your video it would be appreciated a lot! This is my second jam also

Also thanks for making the video, even if mine isn't there, I will be happy that you are helping other people! :D


Hello Im tipu 15 year old game dev. Not really game dev just guy who likes programming. I started Unity half year ago and made one game learning many thing. I wanted now to make some small becouse my first game took half year so i managed to join this gamejam. It was lot of fun and i really learned some stuff. I really like my game idea so maybe i do it bigger on itchio. It would be fun to see someone play it on video and see reactions. Hopefully u can do it.


Link to the game: Start The Game: The Main Menu

It's my first game jam game and my 3rd Unity game published in Itch. I learned C# 2-3 years ago and I started learning Unity last summer (6 months ago). This is my first attempt to implement custom physics, gravity, collisions with raycasting and more complex platforming features and intentional bugs. I had more ideas for the game but the time went short. 

Warning: In some computers there is a loading issue that will make the ground enemies harmless and the game won't start. It starts when the ground enemy damages the player. If the enemy won't damage the player, you should press BACKSPACE 4 times to be able to start the game. This is the only bug left, but I didn't have time to fix it. Please, if the ground enemy is bugged for you just press BACKSPACE 4 times and you'll be able to play the game.

It's not a great game jam game, but for my first game jam game I really like the result. You should read the description above the download button for more tips and explanations.


Hey, my name is Snapplers and I've been making games in Unity for about 6 months. I am a 3rd year Computer Science major. This Jam was the first time I completed a 3D game which is very exciting for me. The jam was really fun for me because I spent a lot of time learning about physics in 3D and how to model in Blender. Overall it was a great learning experience. Definitely Check out "The Worst Intentions" if you get a chance. It's weird, difficult, and (I hope anyways) fun.


Hi Phil,

thank you for your extra work :)
Link to my submission: Every day Bug

It's a short puzzle game about the  very first bug in the history of computers.

Since this is my first game and my first jam, I wanted to have a game that was somewhat complete.
Due to my background in computer science, I thought directly of Grace Hopper on the subject, who found the first bug at that time and that's how I came up with the idea.

I have had little experience in game development so far and have learned a lot this weekend. Not only when dealing with the platform, programming language, graphics etc. but also when planning projects.

The game is rather short, but I had a lot of fun writing the story and designing the puzzles.
I wish you good luck in playing :)


Here's my link:

(1 edit)

Hope you like it


Here's a link to my game Test Slime

My name is Malakai and i am a 14 year old game developer and i use python and unity. I've always loved programming ever since primary school, but at the start of secondary school I got very interested in game design. I started watching channels like Brackeys, BlackthornProd, Dani and Jonas Tyroller, and it made me start learning unity. So i've been doing game dev for a few years and this is my first big game jam and i loved having a theme to make a game around and with a set time period. The last few hours was a bit stressful, but i had lots of fun overall. I hope my game can be shown on your channel because i want my games to be noticed, even just a little!


Hi, Im from Brazil and I have always been passionate about playing games and more recently i started developing too.

I started making games last year but I've been coding since i was 14 years old.

this is the third game jam that i've assigned and this was the best by far. Everything was so fun, the theme, the rating system, the host - Jonas Tyroller. Anyaway it was a great experience.

Here a link to my submission:

hope you guys enjoy

PS: fell free to rate

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi, I'm Márton from Hungary. I wanted to be a gamedev ever since I was a kid... I just got lost in life somehow. But recently the god of Youtube algorithm, and of course Jonas' inpiring videos motivated me to try to make my old dream true.

This is not just my first gamejam, but also the first game I have ever finished.  

Dee the Bug:

The game is somewhat well describes my journey of creating games so far. A lot of spaghetti code, a lot of struggle, and the jump never want to work properly :D
I hope most of you can relate. 


Here is my game:

Hi, I am Sebastiaan and live in Belgium. This is the first time ever i participate in a game jam and i LOVED it. The best part of a game jam in my opinion is that everybody that is rating your games made a game themselves. This means that everybody understands the struggle and knows what it takes to make a fully made game. After completing this game jam i learned that there is so much more that goes in a game than what you think, best experience ever and i wil 100% join a different game jam.

Kind regards Sebastiaan. 


Heyo! My name is Tate Mulliner and I've been making games for 7 ish years now! I still feel like an imposter and I try my best to make the best games I can, this is my 4th game jam and each game jam I participate in I do better and better so I'm very proud of the work I did this time, I did all the art by myself which I ussually dont do, my girlfriend will usually make my art. 

This jam was very stressful cause of short amount of time. Was fun and learned some more nuance thhings about game dev. 

Here is the link to my game, feel free to try this shit out :D

Submitted (1 edit)

Here ya go:

I've been on Unity for a year right now. Although I rarely make things with it in 2019.
I want to be serious with game development from this year and so on. I hope I'm more motivated and productive to make more games afterwards ^^

Oh yeah, and also hope you enjoy my game ^^ It's a bit hard though.

Submitted (3 edits)

Hello the names TempoSparkz and I've been developing games all the way back in 2018 although most aren't public or lost to the  old ages of the internet. However I recently did the wowie game jam and this game was a last minute  idea hence why it was called rush in the source code file (: this is because I already was in a team for another project for the jam but still wanted to submit my own game,  I would love to see a video of anyone play it although the game is a bit  short.


Link to rate my submission:

Hello, my name is David and I been creating 3D assets for over 11 years now, the past 6 or 7 years I worked on a lot of freelance CGI projects and about four years ago I picked up Unity and began creating video games. This is my 5th game jam I have submitted projects to and I had a blast doing so!

I hope yall had as much fun as I did developing your projects!


This is the tale of 2 friends who wanted to participate to the Wowie Jam 2.
But then another random guy asked if he could join.
They didn't know him, but they said "Why not. We need a composer anyways."
And then the 3 made an awesome game with fun mechanics, cool 2.5D art and an awesome dynamic music track.

Here is what they made:

*By the way, I'm that random guy.
It was my first jam, and one of the guys mentioned it was his second, but I don't really know more.
We had a lot of fun, but a lot of unintentional bugs too.
For the programming part, we kinda split the work, but it ended up getting very messy when we had to connect everything.
So I stopped making code and let Jeremy(the programmer) refactor and code the rest while I focus on the dynamic music.
But the sound engine had a lot of issues too.

The important part is that we made it!


Maybe a little late, but I'm gonna leave this here cause why not?

I've been programming with GameMaker for about 5 years now and I've always liked 3D games. That's why I've decided to switch to the 3D side of GM around 2 years ago. (And yes GM does do 3D, everyone's so shocked when they hear this for the first time.) For a long time I've been obsessed with military simulators like Operation Flashpoint and ARMA. This is good, except that making a mil-sim is really difficult if you want to include all the realism and complexity. This has resulted in many abandoned game projects.

Now I might have found my thing. Simple, surreal, horror shooters! I think this is my style, this is what I can do well. I've liked a lot of games in this style for example System Shock 2, so it all makes sense! I will definitely keep this in mind in the future.

Overall, this jam was great. I was able to get everything done that I've planned for and created a complete "short game". I've played a lot of entries and will play more before the week ends. Lots of great games and a create community!

Here's my link:

Before I post this.
I've tried different engines and have been trying to make games in different ways even before I've started to use GM, but I've never found anything else that would work for me. I will probably keep using GM until I'm ready to make my own engine one day in the future. I know that it's "not the best for 3D", but it gives me full control. Yes, I completely ignore the object system, the room system and basically everything that would make a developer's life easier. But this is how it's easier for me.
That's my style, that's how I get things done!


Hey there !!
A link to our submission:

So I personally am a developer, doing game development for several years now, mostly through jams. As implied, this is not my first jam, I try to regularly participate to some to improve myself and discover new ideas and new things ! My goal is to create a game I can be proud of and share it with as many people as possible to get feedbacks and other review. For this jam, I participated with LeRoitonLaveur, a designer and a very good friend of mine. We decided to go for a narrative gameboy - style video game, and we are pretty pleased with the result and feedbacks overall !


I started coding in 1982, mainly BASIC and ASSEMBLEUR 6502. I made some games with friends. Then a little more serious, with a little C and Unix, rather scientific softwares. Then from 96 to 2010 not much. I went back to VisuaBasic then C ++, and now C # and some ios and Android Medical apps. And for a year now, the game virus has taken me over. LOL


wow there's a lot of replies here :D

"Bugoss Fight" -

Hi there, I'm Leonardo Fraga, from Brazil \o/

This is the second game Jam I ever entered, and the first I finished :D

I've started developing game in 2014 with a group of awesome friends (our group is called MR.LED) as our term paper, so I could say I've been developing for 6 years know, but it's not true. I stopped developing for 2 years when I got a job as programmer, and there was a lot of times that I didn't have the will to make games, of just depression knocking on the door.

The game that I'm trying to finish for many years now, witch is my first game after my term paper, is CupCakoon (I made a channel about indie dev and a trailer :D

As a matter of fact, I joined this jam for 2 reason. One it's because Jonas played my game in one of his videos ( ), and it was just great, I felt awesome watching him play my game. I've been subscribed to his channel for sometime, but I wasn't following all his videos, and now I am, and when he announced this jam, I immediately though "I'm in!".

And because I was again stuck with depression, doing nothing, and I saw that I was actually excited to this jam, and I was not excited for anything for a few weeks, and it was great! I think that ever game dev, SPECIALLY those who are starting now, should participate in game jam.

The feeling of finishing a project is so good, and it inspire us to finish our own projects outside the jam!

So, I'm not different from many other, I think that indie game dev is a place full of people trying to achieve their dream doing something we love :D

If you do play my game ( I hope you do :D ), because there's a lot of games here, I hope you have a good time!



Here is my game :

Hi! I have been learning how to make games for 4 and half years. I made a lot of games but i seem to be stuck in a loop of working for a year in a project and then i can't finish it. I get bored of it and i am always running out of scope. Well i hope it's time to end this cycle. That's why i entered the game jam. This is my First gamejam!!! i was a little bit anxious to join one for all those years,in general i work completely alone and that's not good ^^ In general i love playing games! i grew up with every Nintendo console and a PC,i draw huge inspiration from Nintendo games. I am focusing a lot on gameplay and the character feeling,after that goes the atmosphere  and the level design. I am not that much into narrative and cinematic experiences. I really like simplicity and i don't want to drive the attention of the player away from the gameplay. Well that's some general stuff! :D i hope you like the game!

Here's go mine! Hope you enjoy it!



This is our first game jam, but not first game ever. We are developing in Unity for over 1 year. You can try other games on

Our submission is a (not) simple 2d platformer with weird, buggy mechanics, based in caveman age. We had no better ideas, but this one went crazy. Some people like it, some don't.


It's always you being attacked by yet another virus. If only there was a way to control it...

In this fun, yet simple game, you play as a computer virus that tries to destroy every last PC on the planet. The only problem is: some people are smart, and have installed an antivirus software. However, it's your job to make sure that the bugs don't get caught and destroyed. Can you do it? If so, try and beat your best time and comment it in the comments section of the game!

This game had a lot of effort gone into it and I would greatly appreciate it if you were to rate it. Thank you :)


G'day my name is Cody. I'm an Aussie game developer.

I've been designing games for 5 years now and studied software engineering in school.

this is the second time I've entered a jam. I tend to work alone on my games and don't like to use other people's assets, so everything you see in my games are 100% my own work. 

I hope you enjoy the game and have fun playing all the submissions.


Hello!, I have 2 years learning on my own how to be a game developer. 

▽FUSE Is my game for the Wowie Jam 2.0!.

It feels Amazing to have finished this challenge.

Thank you and good luck for everyone!.

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey thank you for this opportunity! My name is Adam Crofts. I'm a student at LJMU studying Computer Games Development in first year, though I've been trying to make games on and off for over 10.

In this game, you play as a flying fox trying to fly out of your cave dodging Stalagmites and Stalactitescas you go. 

My game is

Recently I updated it on Android, though the update should be rolling out for WebGL and Windows tomorrow!

Submitted (1 edit)

This is not my game, but it is really a hidden gem that perfectly captures the essence of the jam and would just fit perfectly in a video.
*Beware, the video recorder should not record he game screen, as it is too unstable *wink* *wink*


Hi! I'm Valentín, a 17 years old kiddo from Spain, I got interested in game development since I was 12 and I've been practicing since. At first I used Game Maker but 8 months ago I started using Unity (My game is made with Unity) and I think starting using Unity actually made my games be better. I've only participated in 2 Jams, this one and the "GuinxuJam2019", a month ago, which I won! Here's my game :D


Hello. My name is Ross. I've been developing games for almost 1 year and I'm going to study game development at college in a month.
This is the 5th game-jam I've participated in.
When I started the jam, the first thing that I thought of was "Annoying AI". So after 1h of coding it, I found that it was rubbish. So I thought about all interpretations of the topic, and came up with a movement bug, where only one key works. And from there, everything seemed to transition smoothly. I think the best part was the fact some of the bugs were "unintentional" so it really helps not needing to fix them. It's really great to see how supportive everyone is to each-other.My advice to people in the future, "Focus on the core mechanics. Not the art, not the story, the mechanics, once you've done that, the rest will follow".

Submitted (2 edits)
Here's mine ;)

I started developing games this summer and this is my 3rd finished gam: 2 jams, 1 android release. Check out my channel if you want:

My wife helped me with graphics and levels design. Had so much fun! I subbed to your channel to keep posted. See ya!

Edit: I'm your 100th youtube subscriber, did I win something? :D

You did gain my sincere apprechiation
and maybe a hint that your game potentially made it in the video 🤫

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi my name is Billy I made this game with my friends and this is my 4th jam! Would love if u play it :D Also I've been doing game dev for 6 months now and my other 2 friends: 6 years(1st jam) and 1 year(2nd jam).

And I think the game is pretty well made and we managed to do everything in time! So yeah :))

I'll sub to your channel now! 

Thank You


Hey Believing-Gamedev

Check my game out please :)



I made a little puzzle game with unique mechanics. The player has the ability to flip the normals and the gravity of the 3D world in order to solve the mini puzzle. This was my second jam since starting game dev Oct 2018, and it was amazing WOWWIIEEEE. I'm probably going to make a video of the jam too!  I hope you enjoy it! :DD



Hi my name's waterlemon, this was my third game jam (second one where I actually finished a game though). The jam was a lot of fun, I loved the theme and my first thought was about bugs that speedrunners use, which is what I based my game around (making a game pop you out of a solid if you are stuck). Really happy with what I turned out with. I spent a lot of time getting people to playtest and trying to make this game not very difficult as this was a major complaint from my last jam game, dont think I fully succeeded but its a really big improvement from my last game! I hope you enjoy my game, thanks!



me and my friend decided to join our first game jam. He made the Music, Sound Effects and some of the Story-Elements, while I did the programming and the art for the game. In the beginning, we wanted to create a fun little Quiz game, where you get asked questions by a bird, which doesn't like wrong answers. We ended up spending way more time on the project, than intended, because we never thought about how much dialogue we had to implement. In the end we still managed to upload a finished game, although we had to scrap some Questions. This game jam was a lot of fun and the community was very helpful. Thanks!


Blush Blush! -

This is my first public game and my first game jam
I'm 19 years old and just started my career as a developer
I'm studying college and it would make me too excited and motivated to see that my game is in a YouTube video if people like it
I would like to know what I can improve and to continue growing


It's always you being attacked by yet another virus. If only there was a way to control it...

In this fun, yet simple game, you play as a computer virus that tries to destroy every last PC on the planet. The only problem is: some people are smart, and have installed an antivirus software. However, it's your job to make sure that the bugs don't get caught and destroyed. Can you do it? If so, try and beat your best time and comment it in the comments section of the game!

This game had a lot of effort gone into it and I would greatly appreciate it if you were to rate it. Thank you :)

Thank you all so much for sharing you great submissions.
I now played through most of them and I'm amazed by the power and creativity you put into them.
It is easpeacilly great to see many young developers starting out in this jam.


I'll happily play any further submission posted here, but can't guarantee that they'll bne considered for the best of video.


And, lets put my game here as well:

I'm a student, studying computer science. I landed a job where we make websites for various other companies using C# and Typescript. This is my first game jam and except for a VR Demo I made during an internship some years ago it is also pretty much my only game. I'm not counting the game I'm working on in my off time (arena keeper) as that doesn't really have any game play yet

My game is "easy". Get as many points as possible by grabbing weapons and killing enemies. The catch? Some enemies have their life set in the negatives due to a "bug". Luckily some guns have a similar bug and actually deal negative damage.

Gun's also have weird random pattern(s) set that their bullets follow. Making it sometimes hard to aim.


here is my game!

its a short atmospheric puzzle platformer with an interesting jumping mechanic! there is not much too the game as i spent most of my jam time on polish but its super fun to play! id be super thankful if you could check it out! 

Submitted (1 edit)

Check out my game.its a small platform race against timer game  Collect coins to increase the time. Some platforms may disappear randomly. Please play test and give me feedback 😊


Link to my game:

Hello. My name is Niko and I'm 16. This is my first game jam ever. I've been wanting to participate in a jam for a while but I never did because I thought I was not good enough and would not be able to finish my game in time. But when Jonas announced that he was going to host a jam I immediately joined it and I'm glad I did. Making the game was not only a ton of fun I also feel like I learned a lot from this experience and it just felt great to finish and publish a project for once. 

My game is a top-down shooter with weird, bugged controls. For example, the only way to move the player is through the recoil of his guns.

Thank you for this thread and this opportunity. My game does have it's flaws which I didn't notice  when play testing the game but it can still be a fun to play and I really hope you enjoy it


Hey! It doesn't seem that you've rated our game yet! (And don't worry, I'll rate yours too) :)

It's always you being attacked by yet another virus. If only there was a way to control it...

In this fun, yet simple game, you play as a computer virus that tries to destroy every last PC on the planet. The only problem is: some people are smart, and have installed an antivirus software. However, it's your job to make sure that the bugs don't get caught and destroyed. Can you do it? If so, try and beat your best time and comment it in the comments section of the game!

This game had a lot of effort gone into it and I would greatly appreciate it if you were to rate it. Thank you :)

Thanks everybody for waiting.
I played all of your games and the video showing  the top 10 game is now finished.
Eventhough it says to be a top ten I tried to put in many more.
That you all created these beautiful and creative pieces is truely a testament to you skills.
I was a lot of fun and I hope you all will continue your gamedev journey.
See you in the next jam.


:D Thanks so much for featuring me in your video!


I didn't made the cut, but thanks anyway for playing and commenting. And great video! 

Congratulations to everyone, quite a good selection of games.


brilliant video, these games all belong in that list. If you'd like to check out my game the link his here


yay the vid is out! Tho I didn’t make it :(( WHYYYYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭Can u tell me why?

Yes I can😉
I fact it was wery close to be in the video and hard to decide.
On of the reasons it that your game is a platformer.
Don't get me wrong here, you made really good one at that,
but for platmormers there are  many entries
(4 entries of the top 10 were 2d platformers).

That set the quality bar quite high for platformers and
the reason why your game missed the final cut.  ✂️


Aw man :(( well at least I know why Thank you :))

(1 edit)

Wow the jam hit the 10k ratings mark, meaning every submission got 27 ratings on average.
Just amazing to see so many engaged gamedevs contribue to this community (even this post has more than 1k views now).🤩
Also last chance to rate game. try it one's 

The host of the jam Jonas made a great compilation with a lot of submissions.
Many of which were also posted in this thread.

So if you want to see an other best of wowie you can check that out here: