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For me the jump was pretty much always in "stuck" mode, it would last multiple seconds and then not even 1 second later get in stuck mode again. I don't know if that is intentional, if I had just bad luck or if there is a bug but it did ruin the game a little for me.

I think that it could have been a nice game if the rate at which jump got into stuck mode wasn't as high.


yeah so it is all down to luck there is a 30% chance that it will get stuck.  You need the jump to get stuck in order to get the enemy on the highest platform easily. However the attack and jump stuck feature or bug works on the same method so it first checks if and which button was pressed then checks the probability of it getting stuck. So you can cancel the jumping by hitting attack and vice versa. I made the game with the intention that these bugs are necessary to move forward in the game. But yeah I get that you can get stuck in the jump loop alot hhaa personally it made for some good laughs 

Thanks for playing and the comment! I am not sure if I played your game yet if not I will give it a try soon!